Chapter 4

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Chapter Four


My eighteenth birthday has went by way faster then I expected it to. I woke up this morning in a pretty bad mood and seeing Kane this morning eating breakfast with my family made it even worse.

I haven't spoken a word to my parents or Kane all day. When I was about to leave to go to breakfast with Lukas, I just grabbed my keys and left.

I'm mad at my parents for not telling me that my history teacher, Kane Carter, is who I'm suppose to marry. They let me wonder for over a year on why the hell my teacher was hanging out with my family and yesterday I finally get told why he is.

That's why I'm mad at him.

I'm mad at him because I know I'm going to have to marry him.

I'm mad at him because he even thought about marrying me.

Why does he want to marry me out of all of the women in the world?

He's 12 years older then me and could have a woman his age but no, he wants to marry me.


His 18 year old student.

I'm laying in my bed not even dressed when I hear people starting to arrive for my party.

I pull my covers over my head when I hear a knock at my bedroom door.

"I'm almost ready." I yell.

"What the hell are you doing lying to me?"

I peek out of my covers to see Lukas and Brendon standing by my door.

"You're no where near ready." Brendon says.

"I don't even want to go to that stupid party." I tell them. I sit up against my headboard to give them room to sit down next to me.

They sit down on either side of me. I lean my head on Lukas's shoulder.

"I know who I'm suppose to marry." I whispered.

"Who?" They both asked at the same time.

"Mr Carter."

"What?" Lukas yelled. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"He's like what, 40?" Brendon asked.

"30." I say. "Why the hell did they pick someone so much older then me? And why my teacher?"

"Bitch your parents have always been weird like that." Lukas rolled his eyes.

Now that I think about it, yeah they have. They've never had a problem with huge age gaps between a couple.

I told them about my ex best friend, Zoe, dating someone that was 20 years older then her and all they said was, "thats so cute."

What is cute about a 16 year old dating a guy that is old enough to be their dad? Nothing.

"You need to get up, babe, and start getting ready."

I turn my head and look at Brendon after he says that.

I sighed. "Do I have to?"

He nods his head. "You unfortunately do or you're parents will be up here soon."

"Or worse." Lukas looks at me. "Mr Carter."

I groan and stand up making my way to my make up vanity.

I was going to do just simple make up but it's my birthday so why not go bold tonight? I do a brown smokey eye with red lips then I slowly curl my hair with a wand curler and spray it with hairspray. I unplug the wand curler and walk over to my closet.

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