Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven


I sit in Kane's class, my last class of the day, staring blankly at the wall. There is a million thoughts going through my head, but I'm mostly thinking about what happened 20 minutes.

I shouldn't have said no. I should've said yes and went to prom and had the best night with a really hot guy but no. I said no all because I was afraid to get yelled at by the guy I'm suppose to marry.

He's scary when he's mad though.

The voice inside my head says.

I jump as a book gets slammed down on my desk.

I look up and see Kane glaring at me. "Where's your homework, Miss Ross?"

I dig through my purse and mentally curse when I realize I forgot it on my desk. I look back at him.

"I forgot it." I whisper.

He laughs. "First spacing out in the middle of a lesson and now forgetting your homework? I'll see you in detention after school."

My eyes widen.

"D-detention?" I stutter.

I can't have detention. My mom will definitely kill me then.

"Yes detention." He smirks. He hands me a work sheet then walks back to his desk.

My leg bounces up and down as I count down the seconds till the bell rings on the clock on the wall.




Everyone jumps out of their seats and basically runs out of the classroom before Kane can tell them about the homework.

I go to grab my purse off the floor but one look from Kane has me putting my hands back on my lap.

When the last student leaves the room I see him walk over to the door and shut and lock it. He then walks over to the window and shuts the blinds.

What is he doing?

I gulp as he turns around and walks over to me. He slams his hands down on the desk and leans down till he is eye to eye with me.

"Where is your ring?" He asked calmly.

How did he know my ring was gone? I didn't even show him my hand!

I stay silent and just look at him.

"Where is your fucking ring!" He shouts.

I jump back.

"I-I left it on my b-bathroom vanity by a-accident." I whisper.

"By accident?" He chuckles. "Or did you just not want to wear it?"

"N-no I swear I left it by accident." I stutter. "I took it off to shower and I forgot about it."

He nods his head and looks me in the eyes again. "Let me tell you something, Amaya, you've pissed me off three times today and a bunch the past few days and I'm tired of it."

I look down at my hands and nervously play with my fingers.

"Come here."

I look up to see Kane now standing in front of his desk. His face hardens when he noticed I'm staring at him.

"Come here." He repeats.

I hesitatingly stand up from my chair and walk over to him. When I get in front of him he gently grabs my arm and pulls me behind his desk.

He sits down in his chair and pulls me over his lap. My eyes widen and I start to struggle.

"What the hell are you doing?" I yell.

He ignores me and moves his hand to the front of my jeans. He unbuttons them and slowly starts sliding them off my hips.

"What are you doing!" I struggle to get away from him.

He slides my jeans down until they are a little under my ass. I can feel my face go red as I realize he can now see my red Victoria Secret panties.

"Beautiful." He whispers.

He starts drawing circles on my hips and then slowly moves his hand until it's resting on my ass. I suddenly feel his hand land on my ass making me jump and cry out in pain.

"What the hell! Stop!"

I gasp as he smacks the same spot as before but this time harder.

Tears start rolling down my cheeks as he continues hitting my ass harder and harder. I'm crying my eyes out and sobs are escaping my mouth as he hits me one final time.

He starts rubbing soothing circles on the places he hit. He grabs my hips and stands me up. I wince as he pulls my jeans over my ass.

After he's finished he pulls me into his lap and wraps his arms around me. I shove my face into the crook of his neck and let my tears soak the collar of his white button down shirt.

He rubs my back. "Shh it's over with, baby. You done good."

I pull my face out of his neck and look at him with tear filled eyes. "W-why did you do t-that?"

He takes his thumb and wipes away my tears. "You needed punished, princess."

"B-but why?" I asked him.

He sighs and wraps his arms around my waist. "You've tested my patiences the past three days and I had enough."

I made him mad so he spanked me?

What the hell!

I shake my head as new tears fall down my cheeks. I look down and my eyes widen as I see the collar of his shirt.

Little black marks are all over the collar. I didn't know what it was at first until I realized it was my mascara. If his shirt looks like that, I can only imagine how my eyes look.

I look him into his eyes and frown. "I'm really sorry."

He raises an eyebrow. "Why are you sorry?"

"I accidentally got mascara on your white shirt." I rush out.

He lets out a deep husky chuckle. "It's okay, baby girl."

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