Chapter 17

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Chapter Seventeen


I press Kane's name and put the phone to my ear.

It rings 4 times and I'm about to hang up when I hear his voice.

"Hey princess, is everything ok?"

"Yeah, everything's fine." I reassure him. "Can you come pick me up please?"

"Of course." He says. "Where are you?"

"Mary's Diner." I tell him.

I hear a car door slam shut.

"Alright, baby, I'll be there in a few minutes."


I hang up the phone and go to sit down on the curb when someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around and my eyes widen when I see the woman that showed up at Kane's house.

"You're Amaya, right?"

Why is she talking to me?

"Yeah, I am." I nod. "Amanda?"

She smiles. "Yeah."

Wow her smile is so pretty.

She looks down at the ground before looking back at me. "I just wanted to apologize."


I frown. "Why?"

"For showing up at Kane's house and asking him to dinner." She tells me. "And touching him."

I laugh. "It's okay."

She smiles widely. "Really?"

"Yeah, you didn't know he was engaged so it's okay."

She shakes her head. "If I knew he had a fiancé, I wouldn't have even came back here."

"Like I said, it's okay." I smile.

"Gosh, you're so sweet." She tells me. "I thought I was going to get cussed out or punched."

You probably would have if I actually liked Kane..

I laugh. "Thank you, I guess?"

"I'm really happy for Kane." She says after a few minutes of silence. "You seem like an amazing girl so take care of him for me."

I nod. "I will."

She smiles. "I better get going so I can catch my flight but it really was nice to meet you, Amaya."

"You too."

She turns around and walks to the taxi I didn't even notice waiting for her. She opens the door and turns her head to look at me and smiles. "By the way, I would love an invitation to the wedding."

She doesn't even wait for me to reply before she gets into the car and shuts the door. The taxi driver pulls out of the diner parking lot and onto the highway.


I jump and turn around to see Kane in his black Mercedes Benz smiling at me.

"You ready to go?" He asked.

I nod and open the car door. I slide into the seat and shut the door behind me then put my seatbelt on as he pulls out of the parking lot.

Should I tell him about Amanda talking to me?


"How did you get here without your car?" He asked.

"Lukas." I tell him. "I forgot he was my ride here until after he left."

He shakes his head as he stops at a red light.

"I'm sorry about my mother and Amanda yesterday morning."

I turn my head to look at him.

"I didn't know either one of them was going to show up but I'm mostly just sorry about my mom calling you a whore." He smiles sadly at me. "Which you are not."

I shrugged. "It's okay, I'm over it."

That's a lie.

"I've been called a whore so many times the past few days that it doesn't even bother me anymore." I tell him.

Another lie.

He shakes his head again. "Don't lie to me. I can tell it does bother you."

I don't reply back and just look out the window as houses pass by. I'm taken by surprise as Kane's hand reaches over and grabs mine and interlocks our fingers together.

I stare down at our joined hands.

I never did tell him about me leaving to go to Denver for a few weeks after graduation.

I finally told Lukas today that I got accepted into the University of Denver and how I was leaving to go visit my grandparents the day after graduation and also tour the campus.

Lukas was so happy for me but also really sad that we would be miles apart and will only be able to see each other on breaks.


I look up from our joined hands as I hear him hum to let me know he's listening.

"I'm leaving the day after graduation to go to Denver for a few weeks." I look out the window. "I'm going to stay with my grandparents."

I feel his grip on my hand tighten.

"You can't."

I whip my head around to look at him. "Why not?"

"Because we are getting married June 23rd." He turns his head and smirks at me before looking back at the road.

The wedding hasn't even been planned yet and he already has the date? That's a month away!

"But the wedding hasn't even been planned yet." I tell him. "How do you expect us to plan a wedding in a month?"

I frown as he starts laughing.

Why is he laughing?

"Oh princess, I already planned our wedding." He shakes his head.

He planned our wedding without me?

"You already planned it?" I glare at him. "Without me?"

He pulls in front of my house and puts the car in park before looking at me. "I didn't think you'd want to help plan it."

"Of course I'd want to help plan my wedding!" I yell. "I may not want this marriage but I did want my dream wedding!"


I don't bother listening to what he has to say. I yank my hand out of his hold and grab my purse out of the floor. I open the car door and get out, slamming the door behind me.

As I walk across the yard I can feel tears start to fall down my cheeks.

You're probably thinking, why are you crying over something like this?

Well, simple.

Every since I've been a little girl I've dreamed of planning my dream wedding. I know I'm being forced to marry Kane, but I was actually really excited to be able to plan our wedding and I can't because it's already planned for me.


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