Thor in the Kitchen

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A/N Just to let anyone who is reading this know, there will be kinda like imagines in the future for these oneshots.

I'm an assistant at Stark Industries. Pepper Potts' assistant to be precise but Tony Stark has me do more favors for him than Ms.Potts.

I'm currently going up to the Avengers communal floor to deliver Tony some lunch he asked me to pick up for him. I only agreed because he also bought lunch for me...and will continue to for the rest of the week.

Every Avenger has their own floor, and I already checked Tony's and Bruce's floors for the crazy billionaire. I suppose I should check the kitchen next, hence me heading up to the communal floor. I'm pretty much cool with all the Avengers and they all treat me as a friend, which feels nice.

The elevator dings, then opens.

"Thanks J.A.R.V.I.S." I say.

"Your welcome Miss Robinson," replies the voice of the AI.

As I pass the empty living room, I hear a low rumbling from the kitchen. I frown slight at the noise and as I turn into the kitchen, I look around but it's empty. I'm about to check the source of the noise but suddenly, a very large hand covers my mouth from behind and another strong arm loops around me and drags me into the pantry that's behind me.

I gasp in suprise and try to kick and elbow the person behind me. I hear my own muffled yells for help but the person spins me around with my mouth still covered and makes me look at them. My eyes widen as I see it's Thor who ever so graciously snatched me.

"Thor! What the hell are you doing?!" I whisper yell.

He's trying to calm me down and puts both his hands on my arms to keep me still. He has a serious look on his face and concern in his eyes.

"You must keep silent Lady Ruby," he answers carefully.

I start to panic.

"Why? Whats going on?" I question nervously, one because I'm now concerned for every Avengers wellbeing and two, because I've never been so close to Thor before.

"There is something out there, in the kitchen. It's growling and possibly threatening to attack us. I don't know how it got in, but do not worry my Lady, I will protect you and bring down this beast," Thor explains while looking into my eyes.

With this last sentence, I feel a blush spread on my cheecks but at least it's kinda dark in here. Then an idea pops into my head.

"Thor," I start off slowly "did you get a glimpse at this beast? Do you know what it looks like?"

He looks at me solemnly and says "I did, Lady Ruby. It was a slight glimpse. It's black and big, almost in square shape. It appears to be trying to hide in the counter and looks as if it could swallow a person whole. I've never seen anything like it."

"Well, in that case, let me go take a look at it."

As I turn to leave the pantry, Thor grabs my hand.

"No, Lady Ruby! It might try to attack you."

I blush and chuckle.

"Thor, don't worry. I think I know what it is."

He looks very unsure and apprehensive.

"Allow me to go first my Lady, in case it poses any danger to you. Please."

"Alright," I say.

"Stay close behind me," he says.

As we exit the pantry slowly, we looked around the kitchen. The rumbling noise still went on and I snuck around Thor and the island in the middle of the kitchen easily to find what I suspected the noise to be.

"Thor," I said turning to him "it's just the dishwasher."

"What kind of foul creature is that?" he asked confused.

"It's not a creature. It's a machine that washes dishes on it's own. Right J.A.R.V.I.S.?"

"Correct Miss Robinson. I turned it on about twenty minutes ago. Mister Odinson, it simply adds water and dish soap in order to clean used dishes, sir." responded J.A.R.V.I.S.

"See?" I asked Thor. He looked slightly embarrassed and nodded his head toward me while looking down.

At that moment, Tony walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Ruby! Got my lunch?" he asked.

"Yeah," I responded, putting it on the counter " where were you?"

"Down in one of the labs," he smirked and then winked at me "what were you too doing?"

Thor looked as if he didn't know what to say so I quickly responded.

"Nothing, Thor just walked in a minute ago and so did I."

"Hm, well ok," said Stark "I'm gonna take my lunch now. Did you get yourself some?"

I nodded.

"Great, thanks!" and with that, Tony left.

Thor looked at me and said "Thank you Lady Ruby. Would you like to join me for lunch?"

I nodded and smiled, following him to the living room.

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