Fix Your Magic Loki!

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Elora White currently lived at Avengers Tower. Tony Stark had hired her as an assistant but the team ended up becoming so attached to her, they practically begged Tony to let her live there. Eventually, Tony agreed.

Loki also currently lived at Avengers Tower, but the team wasn't so eager to have him there. After the Hulk beat down Loki during the battle of New York and he was taken back to Asgard for sentencing, it was discovered that he was actually being manipulated by the Chitauri. Odin, still thinking Loki deserved some sort of punishment, sentenced him to Midgard for two years and took away his magic for six months.

Tony hadn't hired Elora as part of Stark Industries exactly. She was more of a personal assistant and since Tony spent a lot of time shut away, he only called her when he really needed her or when Avengers related details had to get done. So this meant she had a lot of free time, which also meant she got the opportunity to get to know Loki better than the rest of the team did.

After a rocky start with Loki rejecting Elora's kindness and a lot of sarcasm on Elora's part, the two were almost inseparable. Unbeknownst to each other, the two had secretly started to develop feelings for each other.

After six months of Loki's sentencing having past, he started to notice his magic coming back to him. He wasn't nearly as powerful as he once was, but with practice and patience, he'd slowly get there. Getting his magic back took a lot of energy out of him, so he practically kept falling asleep everywhere. That's why when Elora walked into the living room on the communal floor of the tower, she found Loki sprawled on the couch.

He had black jeans on with black converse and a dark blue shirt on. His hair was a little messy, not in it's usual perfect style all slicked back. One leg was falling off the couch and his arms were sprawled on his sides. He was snoring softly.

Elora laughed at the sight of him and quickly covered her mouth as she giggled. Loki still heard her and tilted his head slightly in her direction, eyes barely open but still squinting. He gave an undignified huff and sat up groggily, rubbing his eyes.

"What?" he murmured.

"Nothing," she said smiling, walking up to him and gently fixing his hair "it's just that you remind me of a cat sometimes, especially when you were laying like that."

"Well I could turn you into one so watch your back," he mumbled playfully, pulling her hands away from his hair and fixing it himself. In truth, her hands did feel good fixing his hair, but he didn't think she needed to know that.

"What do you mean?" Elora questioned with and eyebrow raised.

"I'm getting my magic back," he said with a smile, looking up at her while producing a green wisp of magic around his fingers.

"That's so cool! What can you do?" she asked.

"Not much right now. Just a few basic things, like changing bits of someone's appearance. I need to practice though to get as powerful as I once was. But it takes a lot of energy out of me, getting the magic back, so that's why I keep falling asleep," Loki explained with a yawn to a curious looking Elora. While explaining, Loki kept playing with the green wisp between his fingers which Elora thought was cute, but she didn't say these thoughts out-loud.

Then an idea popped into Elora's head.

"Can you change my hair color?" she asked excitedly.

With a grin, Loki sent a shot of green magic towards Elora's head. Then he laughed and Elora ran to a nearby mirror. She gasped as she saw her usually dark brown hair a deep, rich purple color with gold, sparkly highlights. She also busted out laughing.

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