Happy Birthday (Y/N)!

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"You got everything Tony?" said Steve in a whisper.

"Yeah, yeah. We just gotta set up," said the billionaire.

"You better not mess up Stark," said Natasha.

"I won't! Right Bruce?" he said.

"Um, sure," said Bruce, not sounding so sure.

"Mess what up?" I asked, entering the room. Steve and Tony turned to look at me with wide eyes, Bruce ducked his head and Natasha turned towards me, her face unfazed.

"Hey (Y/N)! Just an experiment. It involves my latest suit and Cap," said Tony with a smile. Steve nudged him hard in the side with a glare.

"Well just be careful," I said. They all nodded, Bruce still looking down.

"So, other than that, anything special happening today?" I asked with a grin and contained excitement.

"No, not at all," said Natasha in a bored tone. My grin faltered. Did they really not remember?

"Oh, ok. Then I guess I'll just go watch some TV," I said, trying not to show my disappointment. I turned to walk away.

"Wait (Y/N)!" called Tony after me.

"Yeah?" I said with hope.

"Can you actually run out and get me like, a bunch of duct tape please?" he said.

"Duct tape?" I asked confused. "Why can't J.A.R.V.I.S. order you some?"

"Yes, duct tape. And because I want you to pick it out. Make sure their different colors," he said, now looking at a tablet he picked up from who-knows-where. At that moment, Clint and Thor walked in. They looked at me a bit confused but then Clint made eye contact with Natasha. He turned to me suddenly with a big smile.

"You going out (Y/N)?" asked Clint.

"Yeah but-"

"Great! Can you get me those German chips that I really like?" said the archer throwing an arm around my shoulders.

"The one's in the green bag? It's gonna take forever to find those!" I said a bit exasperated.

"I have faith in you," he said with a grin.

"And can you also bring me boxes of the mighty snack you Midgardian's call Pop Tarts, Lady (Y/N)?" said Thor in his booming voice.

I rolled my eyes and mumbled "Sure, anything else?"

Tony nudged Steve and Steve looked at me shyly. "Could you bring me some donuts from my favorite bakery?" he asked in a guilty voice.

I sighed and said "Sure." Great, that bakery was on the other side of the city. I headed towards the elevator, a look of annoyance on my face. When I got in, I faced the rest of the team and Clint waved bye at me while Steve rubbed the back of his head and looked away. Bruce was still looking down. The elevator doors closed and I sighed sadly.

"Everything alright Miss (Y/N)?" said the voice of the AI.

"Not really J.A.R.V.I.S. Did they really forget my birthday? Not that I want to make a big deal out of it but a cheery 'Happy Birthday (Y/N)!' could've done. And now they want me to pick up all this crap for them and most of it is gonna take me forever to find." I said frustrated and a bit hurt.

"Would you like me to remind the others it is your Birthday Miss (Y/N)? And would you like me to order the items they requested you bring them?" said J.A.R.V.I.S. politely.

"No, it's fine J, if they don't remember that's fine. I don't wanna make a big deal. And I'll get the stuff myself. Can you just have one of Tony's drivers ready for me at the front of the building please?" I asked.

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