Man In The Ice

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The Man in the Ice had finally been found. You were a young S.H.I.E.L.D. agent at the time and this was the test to prove how you could handle these kind of situations.

Your handler, Phil Coulson, had contacted you right away.

"Yes sir?" you asked over the phone.

"I need you at headquarters fast, Agent (L/N). We have a real assignment for you," he said in a serious tone.

"On my way sir," you said, then hung up. You rushed over to headquarters and found Coulson pacing outside a room when they told you where to find him.

"Are you ok sir?" you asked a little worried. You had never seen Coulson even remotely panicked before.

"Im fine, fine. Are you ready for your assignment?" he asked, letting out a small excited yet nervous chuckle.

"Um, sure?" you responded, getting worried as to what was getting Coulson so fidgety and if you could handle it.

He gave you a wide smile, which was very unusual to you, and opened the door to the room. You stood there in shock, heart racing, mouth hanging open.

Captain America was on a table, half covered in ice, being defrosted by doctors and scientists.

"Coulson, what the hell?!" you asked, still standing there in schock.

"I know right," he said excitedly, leaning in to tell you in a hushed tone. "Anyways, your assignment is to help him adjust once he wakes up."

You looked at him surprised and said "Not that I'm complaining sir, but why isn't that your assignment?"

"I um, have other projects to work on. But don't worry, I'll hopefully be working with Mr. Rogers in the future," he explained.

You nodded and both looked on in silence at the legendary soldier being thawed out of the ice he had spend 70 years in. You saw his solemn face, eyes closed and serious expression. It just looked like he was sleeping but you knew this was the the last face he made when he went into the ice so long ago.

After a moment, Coulson leaned in and said "I-I um, I have trading cards. Of him, of course. He was my childhood hero. Would it be weird if I asked him to sign them?" You saw the inner child in Coulson spring to life and you laughed softly at how adorable he looked.

"I'm sure he'd appreciate that even now, people like you still admire him, sir. I think he'd be glad to sign them," you reassured him. He nodded gratefully and gave you a warm smile.

"You know, I hand picked you for this assignment. I'm pretty sure you'll be able to help him (Y/N)," he said. You smiled proudly and looked back at Steve Rogers.

A few weeks later, you were informed that he had woken up and figured out where he was. They told you he had ran out into Time Square and Nick Fury had to convince him everything was alright.

That afternoon, you met Steve Rogers. You stood outside the room they had given him and knocked on the door.

"Come in," you heard.

You walked in, closing the door softly behind you. You turned around to meet beautiful blue eyes staring at you curiously.

You cleared your throat slightly and said "Hello Mr. Roger, I'm Agent (Y/N) (L/N) and I'll be assisting you with whatever you need." You extended your arm for him to shake your hand.

He sat there staring at you, a small smile playing at his lips and a look of awe in his eyes. Then his expression turned a bit more serious and he stood up.

"Steve, nice to meet you ma'am," he said and gave you a firm handshake. His blue eyes stared into your (E/C) ones. After that, you explained his situation a little more in detail. He listened intently at this new information, gazing at you as if in a trance. You just figured it was the shock of the new world he was in. Before you left that day, you told him that for a while, you'd be seeing him everyday until he was well adjusted. He nodded thoughtfully and said "Thank you Agent, I really appreciate it."

After that, you saw Steve on a daily basis. You taught him the basics of his new every-day life but aside from that, you two grew close as friends. You'd have lunch often, sometimes dinner. You would both accompany each other to work-outs most of the time and when working at headquarters or the new Helicarrier, he'd follow you around like a lost puppy. You thought it was adorable.

Strangely enough, Coulson was never around to meet Steve. You remember running in to him once alone and suggested he come with you to meet the Captain. He declined nervously, saying he had projects to work on and he'd meet him soon. You knew it was because he was really nervous to meet his role model.

A couple of days after that encounter, you were informed of the Avengers initiative. Director Fury and Coulson had called you in to discuss it. They thought since you had grown close to Steve, it was right for you to go with Fury to try and convince him to join. As they told you what it was about, you felt a sick feeling at the pit of your stomach. You had no idea what it was that was causing it but it didn't sit well with you.

You went with Fury to go talk to Steve about it and after some discussion, he agreed to join. As soon as he said yes, your heart dropped. Fury had left, leaving you and Steve alone.

"What's wrong (Y/N)?" he asked right away, seeing that you didn't look happy.

"N-Nothing Steve, it's just...are you sure about this?" you asked abruptly.

"Of course (Y/N). I'm still a soldier and I'd do anything to protect my country...and the people I care about," he said, mumbling the last part.

Seeing that you still looked unsure, he grabbed your hand, which shocked you. You looked into his amazing blue eyes and he smiled caringly at you. You forced out a smile. You knew what was making you feel so uneasy about Steve becoming an Avenger. It involved risk and danger. You didn't want Steve to get hurt because slowly, you realized that you had fallen for the man in the ice.

A/N So, part two guys? If you liked this, please, please, please, don't forget to comment and vote. I'd appreciate it from the bottom of my little slothy heart :)

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