Pranks with Hawkeye

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Tony Stark has pranked me for the last time. Ever since I moved into Avengers tower after joining the team, he has messed with me. Today was the final straw.

I walked into the kitchen on the communal floor to get my favorite thing in the world. Everyone was either in the living room or in the kitchen also snacking. I headed toward my cookie jar and took out my Oreos.

Everyone knows not to mess with my Oreos ever since Thor got to the cookie jar, ate one, and I came in running from down the hallway and completely tackled him to the floor. After getting up, it took Steve twenty minutes to convince me to let the cookie jar go.

Anyway, I opened the jar and got a couple Oreos out. I ate one and then stopped chewing immediately.

"ANTHONY STARK!" I yelled while spitting the cookie out.

The water from the sink started to shake as I got mad. Oh, that's because I have the power to control water and when I'm really mad, like at the time with one stupid billionaire, I unconsciously start to move it.

Everyone in the room was staring at me. How convenient. Tony Stark was not in the room.

"Woah, what's wrong Olive?" said Steve approaching me cautiously.

"Stark replaced the filling in my Oreos with toothpaste," I said in a low, angry voice "I'm done with the pranking. He can put clear glue in my soap bottle, he can put fake roaches in my closet, he can super glue things to my face while I'm asleep, but he will not mess with my Oreos. Where is he so I can throw him off the building?"

"Ok kid," said Clint walking up behind me and putting a hand on my shoulder "come with me. I have an idea."

We went down to one of the training rooms and we sat down on a bench.

"Do you plan to have me punch out my frustration cause it might not work." I said.

"Nope, we're gonna prank Stark back." he replied with a smirk.

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Yes. I've always been one to enjoy a good prank and I think he's messed with you enough. So this is what we're gonna do, ok? He loves to keep his appearance tidy...."

And with that, we started planning. We came up with the whole plan and eventually asked Bruce to help us build the device that would activate the plan, which he happily agreed to help us do.

While watching Bruce do his magic, Clint told me he had "one more surprise" and was gone for about thirty minutes before he came back and the device was ready.

We set it up in one of Tony's lab and Barton helped me up to the air vents, where he like to hang out, and we hid silently. I asked J.A.R.V.I.S. to call Tony into the lab and tell him he needed to check an update on his current Iron Man suit he was working on.

"Would you like me to keep yours and Mister Bartons presence in the room quiet Miss Harris?" asked the AI.

"Yes please J.A.R.V.I.S."

We waited for Tony to walk into the room and when he did, Clint and I could barely stay still. We watched as he approached the work table and suddenly, there was a huge, powdery, pink explosion in the room below us.

When the powder settled, Tony was entirely pink and Clint and I burst into laughter, clinging on to each other as we started to tear up.

"OLIVE!" yelled the now pink playboy billionaire.

Clint helped me jump down from the vents and we landed crumpled to the floor rolling on our sides, still not able to stop laughing.

"You to Birdbrain?!" yelled Tony "You too couldn't have done this alone."

"No, I helped," said Bruce walking in with a satisfied smile.

"But, Bruce...we're science bro's," said Tony pouting "well, I guess I'll go wash this out then. What a mess."

At this, Clint and I laughed harder, if that was even possible.

"What?" asked Tony, sounding slightly panicked.

"Well," answered Bruce "the pink chemical is a kind of hair dye I infused with the powder and put it in a little motion sensing bomb. It'll come off your skin, but it'll stay in your hair for about a month."

"A MONTH?! I'll have pink hair for a month?" screeched Tony.

In between laughs, Clint said "J-just wait...until y-you see....what...I d-did to your c-car!"

"My car?" and with that, Tony ran out of the room.

"Did you get that on video J.A.R.V.I.S.?" I ask.

"Yes, Miss Harris."

"Thanks J.A.R.V.I.S. So what did you do to his car?" I ask Clint.

"You'll see. Get it on video, please J.A.R.V.I.S." he says smiling.

"Yes Mister Barton."

Clint loops a playful arm around my shoulders and we head down to Tony's garage. When we get there, he's standing there with his head in his hands in front of a nice looking sports car. Said car is covered in birdseed.

I bust out laughing and Tony turns towards us slowly.

"You nine pounds...of birdseed?" he questioned slowly.

I'm still laughing and clinging on to Clint as Clint says chuckling "You weighed it?"

"Whatever!!" yells Tony as he starts to walk off.

"Are we even Stark?" I call after him.

"Yeah, we're even Harris" he yells.

"Thanks Clint," I say turning to the archer and hugging him.

"No problem Olive," he says hugging me back "now lets go show the rest of the team the videos and explain to Pepper what she's gonna have to be dealing with."

And with that, we head up together to find the others.

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