Inner Hawk

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You took a drink of water as you sat down on the bench in the training room, sweating like crazy. You had been sparring with Steve and it was no easy feat beating a super-soldier at hand-to-hand combat.

Your specialty was exactly that, hand-to-hand combat. You were handy with a gun and knives, hell, maybe even a sword, but you could never get down the art of achery.

This especially sucked for you since your boyfriend was the best archer in the world. Yup, Clint freakin Barton rubbed this fact in your face constantly but you simply would challenge him to a fight and he'd back off.

As you took another drink, said archers plopped down next to you on the bench.

"Hey sweetie, you did pretty good fighting Steve. Took him down faster this time," he said with a proud smirk. He always found it hot when you were fighting and that you were badass and you kinda enjoyed that fact.

"Thanks, if I fought you, it'd be even quicker," you teased him.

He scowled and said "Huh, let's get a bow and arrow and see who can kick ass at that."

Feeling daring all of a sudden, you didn't miss a beat in saying "You're on."

Clint's eyebrows shot up and he asked "Seriously?"

"Yeah, let's go birdbrain," you responded, taking him by the hand and leading him to where the shooting range was. He knew you were awful at archery so he always teased you about it, but he didn't want you to feel bad about yourself so he never took the challenges seriously.

You wanted to try for once though, not just simply dismiss it after one shot like you always did when trying to use a bow and arrow.

You arrived at the shooting range and both you and Clint each got a bow and a couple of arrows. They were all Clint's bows so they were the same. He looked at you as you got ready in front of the target.

"Are you sure (Y/N)?" he asked in a gentle tone. The idea of this was making him a bit uncomfortable because he didn't want you to feel embarrassed. He wouldn't judge you but you didn't know that and even if he told you, he knew you wouldn't believe him.

You turned to him with a small smile and said "I'm sure babe," and with that, you got into position, aimed and shot the arrow. It hit the wall, completely missing the target.

You both stood in silence, bow hanging loosely from your hand, Clint waiting for your reaction. You finally said in a plane tone "Well that was horrible."

Clint frowned and came up behind you. He rested his head on your shoulder and snaked his arms around your waist.

"Do you need some help?" he mumbled sweetly.

You sighed and said "Sure."

"Ok, this is what you gotta do (Y/N)," he said as he moved to face you, giving you another arrow. He motioned for you to place it in the bow and then came back around you.

"Now stand like this," he said, tapping your feet lightly with his to move them to a better stance. You complied and suddenly felt your heartbeat go faster as he placed his hands on top of yours.

You could feel his muscular arms delicately placed over your smaller one's as he muttered right next to your ear "Now pull this arms back."

You did it as he did it and you could feel the amount of concentration in his voice. "Aim just like this," he muttered, his breath tickling your ear. He tilted the arm that was extended and holding the bow a little and you suddenly understood how to aim correctly towards the target.

"You ready?" he asked, his voice soft yet excited.

"Yes," you whispered, not daring to even nod because you felt that if you made so much as one wrong move, the moment would shatter.

It happened slowly. Your breath hitched as Clint made your fingers release the arrow. It flew by your face at high speed but you saw it slowly sail through the air, making its way to the black spot in the middle of the target.

A stunned look was evident on your face while you practically could feel Clint radiating pride and joy. You spun around and shouted "Bullseye! Clint, I did it!!"

His eyes shone, a smirk on his face. He loved to see you this excited and happy with yourself so he simply said "I knew you could do it babe," flashing you a bright smile.

You lunged at him as he outstretched his arms. You wrapped your arms around his neck with a giggle and showered the side of his face with kisses. He wrapped his strong arms around your waist, spinning you around and laughing loudly, the way he only does when he's around you.

When he finally set you down, you gave him a passionate kiss that made him blink when you pulled away.

"Wow, I should teach you how to shoot more often," he said, a light and dazed smile on his face.

"Shut up Clint," you said with a laugh, pushing his shoulder lightly. "How do you manage to shoot so perfectly every single time? And so fast?"

He took in a deep breath, closing his eyes as he said in a deep voice, trying to convey as much wisdom as he could "I summon my inner Hawk and with it, I grow powerful."

He opened his eyes to see you doubled over, letting out a loud laugh. "That's hilarious Clint, please, continue to amuse me," you said, giving him a hug.

"Don't make fun of my inner Hawk (Y/N)! It might get offended. Now let's go get something to eat," he said, wrapping his arms around your shoulder as you nodded, still chuckling to yourself.

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