I Got Tagged :)

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Hey guys! ^.^ So I got tagged to do this Get To Know Me tag I guess by Yavanna80 (thank you!) so here we go!

Real Life: I don't really wanna say cause people I know irl might recognize me and embarrass the hell out me....but it starts with an S
Wattpad: slothyllama

Meaning of Name
Real Life: Apparently it means rich woman or affluent lady but I am neither of those...
Wattpad: It simply means I love sloths and llamas! I relate more to sloths though because I also appear to be lazy and sleep alot.

Real Life: I have none :/
Wattpad: Nope

Favorite Color

Favorite Food
I would have to say my grandma's homemade chalupas

Just my ears


Favorite Season
Fall because all the leafs change color, it gets cool and where I live in Texas, it may be the least humid season. Plus I get to wear comfy sweaters and scarfs.

Last Song You Listened To
"White Wedding" by Billy Idol

Hair and Eyes
I have dark brown, almost black, hair and it's wildly wavy and halfway down my back. As for my eyes, they're brown.

Current Outfit
It's 3AM at the moment so black sweat pants, a Doctor Who t-shirt and sloth socks(not even joking)

First Friend on Wattpad
Well this is a tough one. I haven't really talked to anyone here on Wattpad...so if you'd like to be friends feel free to message me lol

First Person I Followed
I literally have no idea...it might've been AvengingSupernatural cause they're Avengers and Supernatural books are awesome but I'm not sure

Favorite Book Series
God this is difficult! I read so much but I think I gotta say Harry Potter. Those books have gotten me through a lot and have thought me many valuable lessons. Plus I will never get tired of reading them over and over.

Favorite Character From That Series
Hermione I think because I relate more to her from being the responsible, mom friend to the bookworm full of anxiety because of school.

So that's it guys. As I said before, I don't know much people on here so whoever is reading, consider yourself tagged :) You can do this if you want and thank you if you read this. I'm not that interesting a person but I'm sure you are ^.^

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