Fort Building

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It was raining and cold outside. You had plans to go to the park, visit the a coffee shop and even go to a museum or something. But now your plans were officially ruined. With a defeated sigh, you curled up in your room as the rain pounded on the Tower window.

As you sadly watched the raindrops slide down the glass, you heard booming laughter from down the hall. It made you jump but you braced yourself for what was to come.

"Fair Lady (Y/N)! It is raining my love! Don't you just love this weather? It is when the mighty thunder and lightning is heard and seen the most!" shouted Thor as he barreled into your room, a glorious smile on his face. As he spoke, loud thunder was heard outside, making you edge away from the window.

"Don't be afraid my love, I will not let the elements outside harm you," he reassured you with a grin, approaching the couch you were snuggled up on.

You frowned up at him, pouting as you said "I'm not afraid Thor, just disappointed. I had plans for today and now they're all ruined. You can't really do anything while it's raining."

"Nonsense!" he shouted. He snuggled up next to you, wrapping his huge arms around you. It made you bring up your feet and tuck them close to your body, leaning into Thor fully. He beamed down at you as your head rested on his shoulder. "There are many things we can do in the rain. Hunting in the rain is magnificent. Fighting in the rain can be most fun. Especially wrestling in the rai-" he explained before you cut him off.

"Thor honey, no offense but I'm not going out in the rain. It's cold outside, I'll get soaked and start shivering and eventually get sick. I rather just stay inside," you told him, sighing as the boredom continued to torture you.

"Oh, of course. I'm sure there are many things to do indoors. I recall Dr. Banner mentioning something about a fort?" Thor suggested in a soft voice, smile unwavering. He only wanted you to be happy and really wanted to find a way to spend time with you. He wasn't used to many Midgardian ways of entertainment but he'd try his best to keep you busy.

"Forts?" you asked, a smile creeping onto your lips.

"Yes, it involved sheets I think," he said with an adorable look on his face as he tried to remember what Bruce had said. You laughed and gently tucked a strand of his blonde hair behind his ear.

"I know exactly what you're talking about honey. You basically make a fort out of blankets and pillows. I haven't made one since I was a kid. Why was Bruce talking about it?" you questioned, cupping your hand on Thor's cheek.

"He said something about stopping Stark in making one of these giant forts. He said it would be a disaster if Stark did it. But would you like to build one my love?" he asked, leaning into your soft touch and holding your other small hand in his. His blue eyes looked caringly into your (E/C) ones.

You giggled and said "Sure silly." You leaned in and pressed you lips against his. He returned the sweet kiss gently, then pulled away with a loving look on his face.

"Excellent! Let us go and find a spot for this my Lady!" Thor said excitedly and with that, swept you up into his arms. He loved carrying you every chance he got and you loved it. You were so happy that Thor would go to any lengths just to satisfy you. It made you feel loved and special, and you never wanted to let go of him.

You both ended up in the living room on your floor. You set out to find spare blankets and pillows while Thor rearrange the furniture so that sheets could be placed between them. He gathered chairs, tables and couches and spaced them perfectly. When you got back with the blankets, you two set off to work.

You both carefully crafted the fort, leaving you amazed that Thor could be so gentle in placing the sheets correctly. Once the 'roof' was done, you both crawled inside and spread out blankets on the floor. You really were impressed with what you had done. You two had made the fort big enough to fit both you and Thor, and that meant it was very roomy. All the while, the laughing and joking between the two of you was nonstop.

After placing pillows in the right spots, Thor brought in some candles and lit them carefully inside. It cast the perfect, dimmed light as Thor came and laid side-by-side with you. He once again wrapped his arms around you, making you snuggle into him. You faced each other as you said "Thanks Thor. I really appreciate all this."

"Anything for you my Queen. You know I love you with all my heart," he murmured softly as he starred deep into your eyes.

You blushed slightly as you said "I love you too Thor." He brought up his huge hand to softly caress your face. Even though you and Thor had been dating for a while, you still felt butterflies in your stomach and your breath catch in your throat as he slowly leaned in to kiss your lips. You leaned in to the sweet kiss, bringing up a hand and running it through his hair.

You felt him smile against your lips and you pulled away, kissing him briefly once more before you snuggled into his chest. He wrapped his arms tighter around you, letting out a content sigh, his chin resting on the top of your head.

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