Helping Hand In The Lab

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So, I had stumbled into the Avengers about two months ago. Well, more like crashed into them. They were on a mission to get rid of all these little robots shooting lasers everywhere that this mad scientist had created. Geez, aren't those guys fun. Anyway, I had been hiding away after discovering my powers a little while back. I was gonna just leave, turn back cause I knew these super heroes could handle it. But, no.

 As one of the little robots shot a laser at a nearby gas station, it exploded and the force of it threw me into the middle of the street where the fighting was happening. That's when I saw Hawkeye getting outnumbered by the robots around him and his bow was just out of his reach. I looked up from my position on the ground, contemplating whether to help him. I didn't want him to die or anything, it's just that I wasn't sure about exposing myself. I looked around and the rest of the Avengers looked busy. The one nearest was the Hulk, going about smashing the little demon robots.

Going with my gut, I stood up with a sudden urge of adrenalin, closed my eyes, stretched my hands out towards the archer, and concentrated. My heart was racing like nothing I've ever felt before and with it being a crisis I guess, I felt my power surge forward immediately, ready at my finger tips for it's use. I opened my eyes and caught a glimpse of the archer looking at me curiously and kind of confused, probably because he saw my eyes. Without a moments hesitation, I unleashed my power and a sudden wall of flame surrounded the archer.

I knew he was in the middle of the fire, hoping I wouldn't close the circle to much for the flames to touch him. I heard the Hulk yell and Black Widow shout something to Captain America, Thor and Iron Man. I really hoped they wouldn't kill me.

I let the fames fall and what the Avengers saw shocked them. I stood there slightly panting and out of breath but my posture was straight and confident. Hawkeye was sprawled on the ground without a single burn mark, looking at me incredulously. Surrounding him was charred, some almost disintegrated, little robots. There was a small silence before I heard the Hulk grunt in what I can only assume was approval while he muttered "Girl smashed."

Iron Man flew above me and said "If you got more from where that came from, by all means, go ahead."

I smirked slightly and started fighting alongside the Avengers, burning little evil robots left and right. Once they were all down, the adrenaline started to leave me. I had never used so much of my power liked that. Before I knew it, I started to sway and felt myself hitting the ground hard. I heard Captain America shout "Whoa there, somebody help her!" The last thing I remembered was the Hulk walking towards me and gently picking me up. Then, darkness.

After I had woken up from that awesome experience, I of course got questioned. After many frustrated answers directed towards Nick Fury, it was arranged for me to move into Avengers tower with the rest of the team to gain they're protection from other bad organizations and to train me to control my powers better. With that also came along physical fitness and defense classes taught to me by none other than the worlds two best assassins and a super soldier.

So since then, I've developed a relationship with each Avenger. Well, all except one. Bruce Banner was always kind to me, but I've never really spent time with him like I have with the others. Don't get me wrong, he's awesome and also um, quiet handsome, and it's not the whole Hulk thing because I have nothing against that, it's just that I kind of feel like he wants to avoid me sometimes, so I give him space.

Today, I refuse to work out. I threw up my hair into a messy bun, put jeans, my black converse, and a t-shirt that read "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good"  on. I started to wonder around the tower and before I knew it, I had ended up at the doorway to of one of the labs. I peeked in and saw Bruce super concentrated at something on the table he was working on. I lingered by the door, wondering if I should come in. Finally, my feet carried me into the room.

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