Happy New Years!

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A/N Happy New Years guys!! Here's a short oneshot :)

You expected flashing lights, a crowd of people dancing and drinking and insanely loud music when Tony said he was gonna have a New Years party.
Instead, you were pleasantly surprised. It was just your regular group of friends there. Steve, Tony, Bruce, Natasha, Clint, Thor, Sam, Vision, Loki, Wanda, Pietro, and Bucky.

You, Wanda and Nat wore flowy, sparkly outfits that made you look very elegant. All the men wore nice suits or dress shirts. You were all gathered by 8 o'clock at the communal floor at Avengers tower. Clint was serving drinks while upbeat music was played in the background. Bruce had taken down all the Christmas decorations except the lights so that they created a nice ambiance while the main lights were dimmed.

Everyone was scattered around the room while chatting and laughing. You alternated between people to talk to throughout the night. When songs came on that you liked, you grabbed the person closest to you and pulled them in for a dance. It was especially funny when Loki was nearby and you caught him by surprise.

At first, he tried to escape your grasp but you were having none of it. When he realized you weren't gonna let him go, he reluctantly started to sway to the music. With you joking around with him so that he would loosen up, he kind of forgot everyone else in the room. To everyone's amazement, he started to dance with confidence and probably better than anyone else in the room could. His body swayed with yours and he twirled you around with ease. You were lucky that you were one of the very few people Loki liked so after the song was over, he blushed lightly but thanked you with a smile.

When it was getting closer to midnight, Tony made everyone go to the roof. He had set up fireworks to go off up there and when the clock struck twelve, one of his robots would set them off. Good thing too because Tony was a little too drunk to do this on his own.

As everyone started to countdown the seconds to midnight, you all gathered in a closer and closer circle. When the time finally changed to 12 o'clock, everyone cheered with delight and the beautiful display of fireworks all went off.

Tony, being a little drunk and all, came to hug you and gave you a quick kiss on the lips. You laughed in surprise while he left to do the same with others.

Steve and Bruce approached you as well, both giving you tight hugs and wishing you a happy new year. Then you saw a streak of blue pass in front of you before Pietro came to a stop to the left of you. Bucky came around to the right side of you and at the same time, both men leaned down to give you a kiss on the cheek. You blushed a bit as they wished you a happy new year with smirks on their faces.

Wanda then pulled you away and gave you a tight hug. Natasha was after her, doing the same.

Vision came next, saying "Happy New Years, Miss (L/N)," with a smile.

You gave him a warm smile back as you reached up to hug him and said "Happy New Years to you too Vision." He was taken aback but wrapped his arms gently around you nonetheless.

You heard Thor's booming laughter, shouting about what a joyous occasion this was and about the bright fireworks display. You went to him next and as soon as he saw you, he gave you a bone-crushing hug. He shouted a happy new years to you while Sam approached you and helped you get your breath back from Thor's hug. He then gave you a gentle hug while saying happy new years.

You left as Thor gave Sam a hug next. You noticed Loki a little off to the side so you went up to him with a kind smile on your face. You saw he was a little mesmerized by the fireworks but his attention turned to you when he saw you. You held your arms open and with a roll of his eyes but a small smile on his face, he gave you a hug.

"Happy New Years, Lady (Y/N)," he said as he pulled away.

"You too Loki," you replied as you felt an arm being slung over your shoulder.

Clint loudly said "Happy New Years (Y/N)!" and gave you a kiss on the forehead.

You leaned up, giving him a kiss on the cheek and said "You too Clint."

The group gathered close again, watching the fireworks still go off. Everyone suddenly turned as they heard Tony shouting. He was a little off to the side, yelling into his phone.

"Happy New Years, Fury!!! Hope you stay your grumpy old self, mister pirate man! Are you wearing a sparkly eyepatch to celebrate?" Tony yelled with a laugh.

On speaker-phone, Fury's voice was heard saying angrily"Stark! How in the hell did you get this phone number? You will report to me tomorrow at-"

"Yeah, yeah Patchy," Tony cut him off but Steve came up to him and hung up the phone before Tony could say anything else stupid. A saddened look came over his features before his face lighted up again.

"HAPPY NEW YEARS GUYS!!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. Everyone laughed and you smiled to yourself as you wished for a better year to come.

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