Love on the Run

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Just a normal day at Avengers tower. Well, almost normal. There were two new people staying over. It was the Maximoff twins. 

You had lived with the team already for a while. You were the agent that communicated Avengers related things to S.H.I.E.L.D. but after S.H.I.E.L.D. fell, Tony took you in and had you stay at the tower full time. He said you had job with him but really, he let you do whatever you wanted so you just helped out with whatever you could. 

Today had started off a little weird for you. When you woke up, you thought you had heard your bedroom door just closing but when you looked up, nothing was different. That is, until you fully rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and noticed a cup of warm coffee on your nightstand.

You smiled to yourself. Tony had no boundaries so you automatically thought it was him who had left you the coffee. He had done this once or twice before.

'He probably isn't going to bed until now if he stayed up late working on stuff. Maybe just decided to bring me a cup of coffee,' you thought to yourself.

You got up and put workout clothes on. You weren't a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent anymore, but you still liked to keep fit. You headed down to the gym and began to exercise.

After an hour of working out, you got off the treadmill you had been on for thirty minutes. Panting, you thought to yourself that you had forgotten to bring a water bottle.

As you turned around to get a small towel from your bag, you noticed a bottle of water with a note right next to it. You picked it up and it said 'Thought you might need a drink,' in messy handwriting.

You were confused. Who left this there and how did you not hear them come in and out? Clint was sneaky, was it him? 

You brushed it off for now and drank the water. You went back to your room so you could take a shower.

After stepping out of the bathroom from a refreshing shower and after changing, you noticed something small on your bed.

It was a small bottle of lotion with a bow and a note. It said 'It smells nice, hope you like it' in the same messy handwriting from before.

'What the hell? Who is doing this?' you asked yourself confused. You locked your bedroom door and fixed your hair. When you were done, you decided to head up for breakfast. You got into the elevator but when you got in, you noticed something on the floor. You bent down to pick it up and then felt your hair swoosh as something fast came in and out of the elevator before the doors closed.

You looked up and there was a note on the door. It said 'In a dash darling, hope you have a great breakfast.' You stood there in a bit of a shock. Who was flirting with you?

You got off the elevator when it dinged and made your breakfast in sort of a daze. You continued with your day up until you were watching TV with Bruce and you felt another rush of wind behind you. A note then fluttered down in front of your face. You picked it up and it said 'Wanna meet me for lunch? Meet me up on the balcony in ten minutes.'

"What is that?" asked Bruce curiously. You handed over the note and he read it with a chuckle.

"What?" you asked.

"That's cute," he said with a small smile.

"What is? I don't know who's been leaving these all day," you said a bit frustrated.

"Oh come on (Y/N)! Someone new is flirting with you cause if it was any of us, it would've been done a while ago. Someone who can leave the notes fast..." he said with a knowing look on his face. Then you facepalmed. It all clicked in your head. You suddenly felt butterflies in your stomach.

"H-him? I thought he would never notice me so I didn't even bothered to make myself standout," you said with a blush spreading on your cheeks.

"Well he certainly noticed you. Now go if you wanna make that lunch date," Bruce said with an encouraging smile.

You nodded quickly and headed up to the balcony. When you got there, you gasped softly. A round table was in the middle of the balcony with two chairs on either side and small sandwiches on the table. You felt a rush of wind behind you again and then felt something get put in your hand. You looked down to see a beautiful red rose.

"Like it?" you heard a voice say with a heavy Russian accent.

You looked up to see Pietro Maximoff standing in front of you.

"I-it's beautiful. I love it. Thank you Pietro," you said with a small blush.

"Of course (Y/N). I know we've only met once but I'd like to get to know you better," he said with a charming smile.

"Of course! I'd like to get to know you better too," you said with a smile.

"Well then, hungry?" he asked, looking over at the table and then at you. You nodded and then you both walked over. You two talked for about three hours, finding it really easy to talk to each other. You laughed and told each other stories. He told you about his miraculous recovery after the fight with Ultron at least four times. You told him about your history with S.H.I.E.L.D. and the team. In the end, you two were dying to go on a real date somewhere. 

"So, I had a lot of fun Pietro," you said happily.

"So did I. And you wouldn't mind doing this again, would you  (Y/N)?" he asked with a gleam in his eye.

"Not at all Mr.Maximoff, I would look forward to it," you responded.

"Great! How's this Saturady night? Dinner for two?" he asked.

"Sounds great," you said, trying to hold in your excitement.

"Good, it's a date then," and with that he sped off. You stood there, happy for what just happened. Then, you felt a rush of wind as Pietro run up to you, stopped, smoothly grabbed your hand and kissed it. He gave you a big smile, handed you a note and ran off again.

The note said 'Can't wait to have a wonderful date with a beautiful girl like you on Saturday. I'll pick you up at 7." You blushed madly and clutched the note to your chest. You were definitely going to enjoy Saturday evening.

A/N So first Pietro Oneshot! Please let me know if you liked it and let me know what you think. Don't forget to comment and vote :)

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