Man In The Ice (Part Two)

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You and Steve had just boarded the Helicarrier. On the entire ride there, you watched Coulson freak out as his inner fanboy was struggling to be let free. Steve looked like he was all business and tried to be polite to Coulson while you contained your laughs, especially when he told Steve "I watched you, when you were sleeping." Smooth boss, smooth.

After that, you met up with one of your friends, Natasha Romanoff or the Black Widow, and also met Bruce Banner. Once inside, Fury informed you of what was going on. They were gonna send Cap out to capture Loki, brother of Thor. You were worried the whole time Steve was away.

"I'll be fine (Y/N), I promise," he had said before he left, pulling you off to the side.

"I know Steve, you're a super soldier," you said, trying not to sound too concerned.

"I know, I just feel like you don't want me to leave," he said with a frown.

" careful. Ok Steve?" you said, gazing into the eyes you had fallen in love with.

He moved closer to you and pulled you into a tight hug. You wrapped your arms around him and screwed your eyes shut. He put a hand gently at the base of your neck while whispering into your hair "Don't worry, I'll be safe." You pulled away, forcing out a smile and nodding.

You kept up with all reports that involved him after that. You had panicked when Thor had taken Loki from the quinjet and Steve had to stop the god and Tony Stark from fighting. When he got back, you both were too busy to take a moment with each other. Then Loki and his men attacked the Helicarrier. In the chaos of everything, Steve had somehow managed to find you.

"Are you ok?" he shouted over the shots being fired.

"Yeah, I'm fine Captain," you shouted back, taking cover and trying to shoot the enemy at the same time.

"Ok, don't get hurt (Y/N)," he said and before he left to go help Stark, he kissed your cheek softly. That left you a blushing mess but you soon had to concentrate on shooting bad guys. After the chaos died down a bit, you got the news. Phil Coulson was dead.

You stood there in shock, your face emotionless. Coulson was like a father figure to you. How could this have happened to him? You slowly sunk down to the ground. It felt like an eternity of just sitting there, feeling empty inside. Then you vaguely remembered Steve running up to you and kneeling in front of you. You snapped out of your daze when you heard him calling out your name and shaking your shoulders gently.

You stared startled at him and that's when it hit you. Phil Coulson was dead. Your eyes welled up with tears and Steve quickly pulled you into a tight hug. You sobbed uncontrollably while he held you, his strong arms supporting and trying to comfort you. As a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, you should've kept it together, not let your emotions get the best of you. But this was too much, so you just let it out.

"H-he never...g-got t-them....signed," you said between sobs and Steve only held you tighter, sharing your pain at those words.

A couple hours after that, Steve and the newly formed Avengers went out to fight Loki in New York City. You were going crazy on the Helicarrier as you saw their progress on the streets. Eventually, Loki was defeated and you could rest easy knowing Steve was ok.     

You saw him after all that and without thinking, ran up to him to give him a hug. Instead, he lifted you up and spun you around once before putting you down and hugging you tightly, as if you would disappear if he didn't hold on. When you two pulled away, you gazed into each others eyes. He still had his arms around your waste and yours were around his neck.

"Good job out there Cap," you said with a small smile.

"I'm just glad your safe, Agent," he responded, giving you a charming smile that made you squeal inside. You kept staring at each other until Tony cleared his throat loudly and you stepped back, looking shyly down at the ground. It was probably just the excitement of winning that made Steve do that.

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