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A/N If you like Parks and Recreation, you'll understand most references in this oneshot. If not, it's still funny :)

There was no sign of life. Your floor at Avengers Tower looked completely empty and undisturbed. After not seeing you for three straight days, Tony and Clint came looking for you.

They walked throughout the empty floor, getting creeped out by the quietness. Suddenly, they approached your door to your room and saw a faint light coming from underneath. They opened the door and heard an immediate hiss.

"(Y/N)?" asked Tony.

You slowly lowered your hands from your face and squinted through the sudden bright light from the hallway at the two men.

"Yeah....?" you replied with a raspy voice.

"Where the hell have you been? We haven't seen you in days! Have you been holed up here this whole time?" asked Clint with a scowl on his face.

"Yes...." you told Clint as you hugged your laptop close to you. The men looked around your room in disbelief.
The bed was a mess, there was junk food wrappers and plates on the floor, tissues scattered around your bed, you were in your pijamas, your a hair a mess and it looked like you hadn't slept in forever.

"What have you been doing?" asked Tony.

"Netflixing," you said with wide eyes. "Join me..." you whispered and patted your bed.

Clint and Tony looked at each other with uneasy glances and slowly approached your bed.

Two days later, Steve, Bruce and Thor were all sitting on the couch on the communal floor. Bruce and Thor were watching TV while Steve was reading.

You walked in with a pen between your fingers pretending to smoke out of it. You plopped down next to Steve and he gave you a confused look.

"Hey pal, how's about you and me catch some dinner later, huh?" you said with an accent.

"Uh...," Steve said blushing a bit.

"Lady (Y/N), are you feeling alright?" said Thor a little amused. Bruce just glanced at you.

"Who's (Y/N) pal? I'm Janet, Janet Snakehole," you said, still pretending to smoke.

They all looked at you confused until Clint burst into the room holding up a banana like a gun.

"Freeze! Burt Macklin, FBI!" he yelled as you put your hands up quickly. Tony came from around the corner and walked into the room, pointing another banana.

"And I'm his brother," he said "Kip....Hackman."

"Why wouldn't you have the same last name...?" asked Steve.

"Shut up Steve," said Tony.

"Think you could get away so easily Miss Snakehole?" asked Clint.

"I didn't do it, my sister did but now she's been eaten by wolves!" you cried hysterically while putting your hand dramatically to your forehead.

"Uh, what is going on?" asked Natasha, just walking into the room.

"Oh Nat, you beautiful land mermaid, you wouldn't understand," you said.

"Land mermaid?" she asked confused.
"Have you three been watching Parks and Recreation for the past two days?" finally asked Bruce.

"Yes," Tony said quickly.

"It is literally, the best show ever," Clint said.

"Why'd you say literally like that?" questioned Nat.

"I didn't say it like anything," responded the archer.

The room went silent.

"Come on boys," you said "I think it's time we start watching The Office, then maybe The Walking Dead too."

Tony and Clint follwed you with excited looks, Tony waving his hand around and saying something along the lines of 'See ya guys in a couple of days!'.

The rest of the team were left with concerned looks on their faces.

A/N This was just a quick oneshot. Please don't forget to comment and vote if you liked it :)

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