Caught In The Snow

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You were just having a horrible day. Your ex had called in the morning to say that he wanted his couch back. You two had broken up two months ago. He came in, gave you a hard time about it and after a slap to the face, finally left with his stupid friend and new girlfriend, couch in tow. It made you really angry seeing him again, feelings of self-stupidity rushing back at you because you were so oblivious during the relationship, you hadn't realized he was cheating on you until you finally caught him.

While you sat on the floor of your sad apartment, couch gone, you had gotten a phone call from your best friend. She had asked you if you could lend her a cute dress of yours because she was going on a lunch modate with some guy. You had huffed in annoyance because that meant you had to go all the way across town to where she lived. And it was snowing outside. You grudgingly agreed, got the dress, got your cellphone and wallet, and walked outside into the cold winter air to hail a cab.

When you got to her apartment, she rushed you inside, giving you all the details she possibly could on this guy she was going on a date with. You just sat there, not really caring at this point, but listened nonetheless. After she had gotten ready and was set to leave, you walked out of the apartment with her. You wished her luck as she got into a cab and left. You had tugged your jacket tighter around you as you tried to hail a cab of your own.

Just when one pulled up, a dreaded feeling sunk into your stomach. Your wallet and cellphone. It was at your best friends apartment. You face palmed as you realized your stupid mistake of leaving it there. You rushed back into the apartment complex, hoping you could get in somehow. Turns out, you couldn't. You made a frustrated groan as you turned to leave, dragging your feet behind you.

You had to walk home now, since you had no money for a cab and no cellphone to call anyone with. You started making your way down the sidewalk, freezing your butt off. The snow made the bottom of your pants moist and made you even colder as you walked. You could start to feel, or better yet, loose the feel in your face and hands as you tried to keep warm. Eventually, feathery snow started to fall and you were starting to get real upset at all your bad luck. By this point, you were walking by a park.

Just when you thought it couldn't possibly get any worse, you were knocked down to the grown.

"No!" you yelled as you went flying back, something heavy knocking the wind out of you. With the snow on the ground, it just made your fall worse. You slipped and landed on you butt and both elbows painfully. You ended up flat on your back, all the pain rushing into you at once, causing you to hiss in pain and scrunch up your face. What made matters worse was that whoever the idiot was that knocked you down had landed on top of you.

"Oh God, I'm sorry!" you heard the voice of a man say next to you. You opened your eyes and met beautiful blue one's staring at you, full of concern. The, handsome man you realized, that had bumped into you was hovering above you. Both arms were on either side of your head, leaving you breathless again, and his legs were tangled with yours. He seemed to be looking at you in awe, your faces were inches apart and it made you blush madly. You stayed starring at each other for a moment before you broke the silence and said "It's alright," in a whisper.

He widened his eyes in sudden realization and scrambled to his feet to get off of you. He held out his hands, which you took gratefully and realized they were very warm, and pulled you up.

"Ow," you said as you winced, your tailbone hurting along with your elbows.

"Look, why don't you sit down over here," the man said, leading you over to a bench. He wiped the snow off of it and had you sit down.

You noticed that the handsome man with the short, light brown hair was very fit. He was wearing jogging pants and a sweater, probably because he was on a jog. His eyes were mesmerizing, smile was charming and you could tell he had muscle underneath his layers of warm clothes.

"I'm really sorry I ran into you. That usually doesn't happen," he finally said while taking a seat next to you.

"Um, it's alright. Just had a nasty fall and you had a cushy landing," you said with a small smile while looking down shyly at your hands.

He let out a laugh, and it sounded like music to your ears right away. He then said "Yeah, thanks for that. My name is Clint by the way."

"Mine's (Y/N). Nice to meet you Clint," you responded.

"That's a beautiful name. (Y/N)," he said with an adorable smile, his frosty breath visible in the air. You blushed and looked down shyly at your feet.

"Aw, c'mon, I didn't mean to get you all flustered (Y/N)," he said jokingly. You let out a soft chuckle and thought 'Wow, this guy is amazing. How is he even still talking to me??'

"How are your elbows and stuff," he asked a little concerned.

"Oh, just sore. But it's ok, I'll get over it," you tried to reassure him.

"You should soak in warm water when you get home, it'll make you feel better," he said, his eyes looking at you kindly and with hidden awe.

You huffed and grumpily muttered "If I ever get there."

"Um, what?" he asked a little cautiously, looking confused.

"Well, I came to this side of town to visit my best friend and when I left, I forgot my wallet and phone at her apartment. She isn't there and won't be for a while," you explained annoyed. "I have to walk all the way home. And it's freakin cold! Sorry, I don't mean to rant."

"No, it's no problem. Here, take my sweater. You can put it on and then your jacket over it," he said as he began to pull it over his head, revealing a long-sleeved t-shirt slightly straining against his well-built chest. You had to tear your eyes away as you noticed him handing you the sweater.

"Oh no, it's ok. You'll freeze!" you said, not wanted Clint to be cold because of you.

"Trust me, I've been in worse conditions. Just take it," he insisted. You grudgingly took your jacket off because come on, it was pretty cold, and you momentarily regretted taking it off because of the winter air, and handed it to Clint. He then gave you his sweater which you pulled over your head immediately and found very comfortable and warm. The thought of sitting in your apartment with Clint and snuggling up with him in his sweater while sipping hot coco ran through your head before you quickly dismissed those thoughts. You felt him gently putting your jacket back on you and you helped him tug it on.

"Look at this, you're a complete stranger and I'm wearing your sweater," you said chuckling.

"Yeah but you're a really cute stranger so I don't mind. Can I walk you home? If that's not creepy?" he said, a light blush starting to dust across his features.

You laughed softly at his adorable face and said "As long as you don't stalk me, it won't be creepy. Although, if we got to know each other better, I'd feel better about this whole situation."

" Well I sure don't mind that! Come on, it's getting colder. Best to get you inside," he said cheerily. He helped you stand up from the bench and you started walking side by side in the direction of where you lived. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Clint shivering slightly. You smirked and said "You know, despite what you said about being in 'worse conditions', you're still cold."

"Nah, it's just a bit chilly," he said, a spring in his step despite the tip of his nose turning red.

You chuckled and looped and arm around his, keeping him close so he could at least be a little warm. His expression turned to one of surprise as his eyebrows shot up but it soon turned into a warming and satisfied smile, as if he couldn't believe his luck.

A/N Soooo don't really know where this came from but I hope you enjoyed :)

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