Not Dead Inside, You Know

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That night, I had been hunting. I was in the middle of the forest, dead of night, and it was cold. Not that it really bothered me anyway.

First of all, I'd like to start off by saying that people of this day and age think they know everything about anything there is to know about. They're wrong. Little did I know at that moment that I was about to meet one of those people.

By the way, my name is Lydia and yes, I am a vampire. But people have the wrong idea about vampires, especially today's youth. We do not  sparkle in the sun because our skin is not made up of diamonds. The sun does not bother us but it's just hard for us to get a proper tan so our solution to not lowering our self-esteem is to go out mainly at night. Sorry for being pale (sarcasm). Sleep is not required but if we wish to, it is possible. Same goes for food because come on, who doesn't treasure food and sleep. There are no vampires who possess special qualities, we're all the same. We do have inhuman strength, sight, smell and speed though. As for our diets, we mostly feed off animal blood, already dying humans or blood from hospitals. We do  have a conscious and we know murder is immorally wrong. Plus, too many murders and people get suspicious, but that's beside the point. 

Finally, how to kill a vampire. We're not exactly dead, we're jut not human. We can get hurt but not permanently. Call it a healing factor, if you will. For example, wooden steaks through the heart. Well of course, who wouldn't that kill? The difference between us vampires though is that we don't stay dead. Garlic? Please. Give me a loaf of garlic bread and I will consume it like a vacuum cleaner. Now, if you're allergic to garlic, that's a different story. The only way to really kill a vampire is by chopping it's head off and burning it (or so I thought) because what body wouldn't be able to function without a head.

Anyways, there I was on this particular night perched up in a tree, wearing black jeans, black converse, black hoodie and my hair in a braid. I was not in all black because of stereotypical vampire reasons, I just didn't want to be seen and questioned as to what a girl was doing all by herself in the middle of the woods.

I was too lazy to track any type of prey so instead, I was waiting for something to pass the tree so that then I could chase it. I was up there for an hour until finally, a deer was nearby. I quietly descended the tree and snuck around the deer. Now, I may have inhuman strength and speed and all that crap, but that does not mean I can't be clumsy. I stepped on a branch and it snapped, just like in the movies. I rolled my eyes as the deer saw me and started to run off. I wasn't gonna wait for another one so I started running after it. I was dodging trees and bushes when I heard something mechanical flying above me. Probably just a plane I thought.

I could see the deer ahead of me. It had started to snow and I could now hear that mechanical noise closer. I kept running, getting closer and closer to my prey. Just as I reached lunging distance, the mechanical noise was impossibly close. I turned my head back and upward as I was still running and was freaked out to see a metal, human shaped thing coming straight at me from the sky. It's arms and legs were flailing all over the place and the realization hit me that it was crash landing. Then, seconds later, it literally hit me. Hard.

Everything went dark for a moment. I was laying on the cold, snow covered ground with a hunk of metal on top of me. I could feel the pain but it was so much yet healing at the same time that I felt numb. I groaned and whatever was on top of me groaned too.

"Oh, my, God," I heard someone say painfully. It was coming from the metal. More specifically, from within the metal. It was a suit. Which could only mean one thing. I groaned internally, rolled my eyes and thought Oh great.

I pushed the suit off me with a grunt and laid there with my eyes screwed shut as I healed. I was still gonna have one hell of a headache though. The guy in the suit was talking indistinctly and then sounded frustrated. The suit sort of opened up and the guy wiggled out. He then looked over at me mortified.

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