Sleepover With The Maximoff's

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A/N This is kinda like a part two to Sleepover so I hope you enjoy :)

You were feeling great. You had just come from a workout with your best friend Clint and was headed up to the kitchen.

The Tower was kinda empty at the moment. Tony was at his house in California spending time with Pepper. Steve took this time as an opportunity to go with Sam to go look for Bucky. Thor had gone to Asgard for a bit, surprisingly taking Bruce with him. Thor wanted to show off the technology Asgard had to the scientist and Bruce also wanted to take a look at Asgard's unique constellations to try and get a precise point of where it was in the galaxy. Clint was about to go pack up because him and Natasha were gonna head out to Washington DC in an hour or so.

That meant that tonight, it'd only be you and the Maximoff twins. You didn't know them that well so you decided it was best to just let them be while you were planning on spending time in your room, watching Netflix.

As you entered the kitchen on the communal floor, you heard a thump in the next room. Then a second thump.

'What the hell?' you thought to yourself.

You sneaked over to the door and peeked your head into the living room. You looked on confused at what you saw, brows furrowed slighly and head tilted to the side. Wanda and Pietro were both flopped onto the couch.

Wanda was wearing black sweatpants, a red pullover with black stripes and her hair was a complete mess. She lay sprawled on the couch, one arm and leg over the side of it.

Pietro was wearing grey jogging pants and a blue tank. His silver hair was also a mess and he lay face first on the couch, one arm over Wanda's leg, which she tried to kick away.

"Uh, guys? What's wrong?" you asked kinda concerned. They just both gave a big sigh in response. You gasped dramatically, one hand flying up to cover your mouth.

"It's happening," you whispered.

Wanda squinted at you and asked "What is?" in her heavy Russian accent.

"You have become....potatoes," you whispered horrified.

Pietro lifted his head slighly and mumbled "Potatoes?" in his equally heavy accent.

"Tell me, do you miss Texas?" you asked, getting closer to the twins. "Do you miss the wide open skies? Your twenty acres? The pecan pies?!"

"(Y/N), we've never been to Texas," Wanda replied confused.

"That sounds familiar...isn't it from that little yellow sponge?" Pietro asked.

"Yes, it's from SpongeBob. Anyways, I know what's wrong," you stated.

"We are homesick," Wanda said with a disappointed sigh.

"I knew it! This happened to me when you guys were gone. And I know exactly what to do to fix it," you said with a gleaming smile.

You ran off, leaving the twins confused. They heard a loud crash and you say "Ow," a moment later.

"What on Earth is she doing?" asked Wanda.

"I have no idea," said Pietro, flopping his head back on the couch.

A moment later, you walked in carrying a stack of pillows and multiple blankets around your shoulders. You almost tripped so Pietro ran to your side in an instant so you wouldn't and helped you with the pillows.

"What is all this for?" he asked.

"We're gonna have a sleepover! We'll have fun and it'll take your mind off of being homesick. We can um, get to know each other better too...." you said that last part a bit more quietly, rubbing the back of your neck while looking down.

Wanda smiled thoughtfully and said "You know, that sounds great (Y/N)." Pietro nodded and looked over at you with a smile.

Your face brightened and you said "Yay!" The twins stayed in the living room to spread out the pillows and blankets while you went into the kitchen to get snacks. You were out of Pop Tarts, no surprise there. Thor probably took them to Asgard again. You made several peanut butter and jelly sandwiches instead. You also got some popcorn, chips, Twizlers and pretzels, taking it all back to the living room.

Then, you all decided to watch all the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. You had pulled your blanket onto the couch with you so that you could snuggle in properly. The twins did the same on the floor.

After the first two movies, Pietro said he was getting bored.

"Let's play a game," you suggested.

"Tag!" Pietro shouted excitedly.

"No! You always win at that Pietro. Let's not play a game," Wanda said, glaring at her brother.

He smiled and said "I have an idea." He picked up Wanda and left in a blur. You sat up confused but in an instant, Pietro was back and picked you up bridal style. He smiled down at you.

"What the hell Maximoff?" you asked.

"Hang on," he replied with a smirk and with that, he sped off. You burried your head into the crook of his neck as you felt the wind rushing past you. In almost a second, he stopped and put you down.

You stumbled slightly as you looked around. You were in a park and it was already dark. You heard a chuckle and turned to see Wanda walking up to you.

"You sort of get dizzy the first time but it's fun after that," she said.

"Yeah, well I hope so," you said, fixing your hair into place. You looked around at the trees and bushes.

"So what are we gonna do now?" you asked curiously.

"Let's climb stuff," Pietro said with a small smile and a thoughtful look.

"Um, ok..." you said a little unsure but soon, all three of you were climbing trees and laughing. Wanda would manipulate branches with red wisps coming out of her hands so they were easier to get to. You, being an ex-S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, climbed the trees fast and with agility. Pietro just zoomed up to the top.

All three of you were hanging upside down from the branches or trying to reach the tops, all while laughing.

Finally, you all got tired and climbed back down, laying down in the soft grass, gazing up at the stars. Then Pietro decided to give you and Wanda piggyback rides.

After a couple of laps, Pietro set you down and you smiled widely at the twins.

"You're right Wanda, it's so much fun after you get use to it," you said, adrenal still going through your body.
"Let's get back to the Tower, you'll get one last ride for tonight (Y/N)," Pietro said with a chuckle and with that, he picked you up again and in an instant, you were at the Tower. A second later, Pietro was back with Wanda.

"Let's keep watching the movies," she said. All three of you flopped onto the couch with blankets and pillows. At times, you all would share funny stories. The twins talked about the funny accidents they had when learning to use their powers and you talked about incidents that happened at S.H.I.E.L.D.

Eventually, it got really late and you all started to doze off. The last thing you remember was Wanda on your right, curled into a ball with a blanket wrapped around her and a faint smile on her face. To your left, Pietro was sprawled all over the place, one arm and leg off the couch, his head resting on a pillow in your lap, the blanket covering most of his body and also a faint smile on your face.

You gave a content sigh and asked J.A.R.V.I.S. to turn the movie off. You snuggled up into your blanket and dozed off, happy you could make the twins feel a little at home.

A/N Hope that was good guys :) btw, I saw Mockingjay part 2 the other day when it came out and it was awesome!! If your a fan, hopefully you'll like it. Anyways, please comment and vote if you liked this oneshot :)

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