Snowball Fight

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"Wandaaaaaaa....I'm bored," was heard muffled from the living room.

Wanda peeked her head into the room to see you sprawled on the floor.

"(Y/N)?" she asked confused.

"Yes?" you replied, still on the floor.

"What are you doing on the floor? Get up silly," she said in her heavy accent, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'm just so bored!" you said loudly while rolling over onto your back. "I have nothing to do and I need you to help me."

"Why can't you ask someone else?" she questioned.

"Cause everyone else is busy! Tony is with Pepper doing...I don't even want to know. Bruce is down in his lab. Steve and Bucky are basically out on a date. Pietro is with Sam. Thor went to go visit Jane and Darcy. Vision is doing who knows what. Clint and Nat went out to his farm. I've only got you Ms. Maximoff," you said pointedly at the Scarlet Witch.

She stood there, an amused look on her face with one eyebrow raised. She glanced out the window briefly but then a look of realization dawned on her.

"I have an idea," she announced.

"What is it?" you eagerly asked.

"Well, there's snow outside," she stated.

"Yes....," you said and motioned for her to continue.

"And when there's snow, my brother and I have a tradition," she said.

"What is it?" you asked intrigued.

"How do you feel about snowball fights?" she inquired with a grin.

Your features lit up at her words and you jumped up off the floor. You smiled at her in glee and shouted "I love snowball fights!" (Sorry if you don't, I've never had one so I'm assuming they're fun.)

"Great!" Wanda exclaimed. "Let's go out to the roof then."

You followed her excitedly like a happy puppy. You both grabbed thick jackets and headed towards the elevator.

"I'm so excited Wanda! You and Pietro always do this?" you asked while the elevator ascended and you tugged your jacket on.

"Yup, every time it snows. Ever since we were kids," she answered.

Then the elevator dinged and the crisp snow was visible. You skipped out spun around, Wanda watching you with a grin.

"Ok, do we just start?" you asked as you turned to face Wanda but just as you finished your sentence, a snowball hit you in the face. Wanda cracked up at your surprised expression.

"Yeah, just go for it!" she shouted as she ran to one side of the roof. You grinned and ran to the opposite side.

You skid to a stop and fell to your knees as you quickly tried to build a 'fort'. You glanced up to see Wanda doing the same with the snow that had piled onto the roof. The adrenalin kicked in and your heart raced as you tried to finish as soon as possible to gain cover.

A moment later, a ball of snow made it's way to the back of your head. You dove for cover and started making a bunch of snowballs. When you had enough, you realized Wanda hadn't tried to throw anymore. You took a snowball in your hand and slowly peeked your head over the wall of snow you had built.

Just as your eyes closed in on Wanda's fort, a sudden snowball hit you. You yelped and threw yours in the direction of the Scarlet Witch. Another snowball came your way and you noticed a red glow surrounding it. Wanda was using her powers!

"Hey!" you shouted, trying to sound mad but ending up giggling, "You're using powers! That's not fair!"

Wanda peeked her head over her fort, two glowing snowballs circling above her head. She had a smirk on her face as she said "Well, after Pietro and I got our powers, we played like this. Just imagine him zooming around and pelting me with snowballs! Consider yourself lucky it's just me."

With that, you jumped up and charged at Wanda with an armful of snowballs. Yelling as you ran, Wanda's eyebrows shot up in surprise and she scrambled to her feet. She tried to gather floating snowballs around her and sent them in your general direction as she ran.

"Hello Miss Maximoff, Miss (L/N). I was wondering if you two could help me with-" said Vision as he stepped up onto the roof but soon stopped in his tracks. Wanda and you could be seen running after each other, laughing madly and launching snowballs.

"I'm gonna get you Wanda!" you yelled, dodging snowballs.

"Good luck with that (Y/N)!" she yelled back, giggling as one hit her arm.

As the two of you kept racing around, huge smiles on your faces, Vision simply tilted his head, observing in amusement. "Nevermind," he said to himself as he turned to leave, a small smile on his face.

A/N Sorry for the wait! I know this is late but I hope everyone had happy holidays and if you didn't, that's ok. At the very least, I hope your ok :) Anyways, I should've done a Christmas oneshot but I just didn't have time and I'm terribly sorry for that. Busy with family and moving and all that so my updates might be a little slower but hopefully not. But, I will continue to do winter oneshots and hopefully a New Year's one too.

And thanks for all the reads guys!! 3.3K? That's a lot and I really appreciate it! Sorry this a/n was long but thank you if you read it :)

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