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What were you? Some kind of freak of nature? A monster? A mistake?

You felt all these things on a daily basis even though you didn't always show it. You put on a brave face and tried to face the world but unfortunately, the whole world wouldn't accept you if they knew what you really were.

Luckily, some of the best people in the universe did.

You had wings. Angel-like wings in fact, even though you weren't an actual angel. More of a mutant.

Your wings were huge, especially when you stretched them out, but that was rare. They could change colors too sometimes. Most of the time you kept then black.

Nick Fury had discovered you one night when you had had a car accident and you walked out of the wreckage unscathed and with your wings around you protectively. I guess they could come in handy, you thought bitterly.

He offered you the protection of S.H.I.E.L.D. and you accepted, but not even there did people stop harassing you. The agents made comments about your wings that made you want to burrow into a deep hole and never come out.

Finally, one day as an agent asked you in a mocking tone if it wouldn't be better to just clip your wings, Tony Stark came to your rescue. He was furious that the agents were treating you like this and he actually found your wings very interesting. Well, in his mind, beautiful.

He went to Fury and demanded you stay at Avengers Tower with the rest of the team. This got you really nervous. Wouldn't they just hate you too?

Fury agreed and you left with Tony, glad that you had someone to help you but worried about meeting the rest of the Avengers.

You had gotten to the Tower and at first everyone was suprised. You definitely expected that because, what human has giant wings on their back? What you weren't expecting was that everyone found you fascinating. They complemented you and said they were amazing.

Steve said they were fantastic, unlike anything he had seen before. Thor said you were one of the most beautiful creatures in all the nine realms. Clint jokingly asked Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?. Natasha assessed you and said with a smile that the team was lucky to have you now and Bruce just stood there in awe.

This was unbelievable to you and Tony just stood to the side, watching with a mesmerized gaze as you were filled with joy and relief.

After that, Tony and you grew very close. You felt protected with him and he felt the need to protect you at all costs. He never said anything mean about your wings and he was always more humble with you than with the others.

You had confessed the depression your wings caused you to him and he had told you everything he could to reassure you that you were perfect just the way you were. He had wrapped you tight in a hug, held you for a long time and repeatedly kissed the top of your head as you felt yourself relax into him and feel accepted and loved for once. Ever since then, it was known by everyone that you two had become a thing. But you and Tony never actually confirmed anything about a relationship, not even to each other.

One late night, Tony was coming up to his floor from his labs after working on one of his suits. He was exhausted and just collapsed on one of the couches in his lounging area, not even trying to make it to his bed.

As he was drifting off to sleep, he heard you coming out of your room. Yes, your room was on Tony's floor. He had insisted on this after he found out you had nightmares and he wanted to be close enough to you to calm you down when they did happen.

As he was laying down, he expected you to come up to the couch. Instead, he heard the elevator door softly ding open. He shot up in time to see you step into the elevator, eyes closed and wings a light brown. He got up but the elevator doors had closed.

Where is she going? And brown wings now? he thought confused to himself.

He waited for the elevator and asked J.A.R.V.I.S. to take him to whichever floor you had gone to.

"Miss (L/N) is on the communal floor sir," said the voice of the AI.

Is she going to get a snack or something? Tony asked himself.

When the elevator doors opened, Tony walked out and looked around. What he saw next could've sent him into a panic attack.

You were standing at the top of the railing on the balcony outside. Your arms were spread out and your head tilted back. What Tony didn't know was that you were sleep walking.

He stayed frozen in terror, not know what to do if you jumped.


He slowly approached the balcony doors and stopped immediately as he saw your wings twitch.

The light brown of the wings seemed to be shifting color. In one swift motion, you spread your wings out all the way as they turned a blinding white.

Tony looked on in awe, thinking he was literally seeing an angel. Then the gravity of the situation hit him and he started to panic again.

He was thinking of ways to get to you but at that moment, you shifted your weight forward and fell over the balcony, head first.

"(Y/N) NO!" Tony yelled in horror. With adrenaline pumping in his veins, he sprinted towards the railing and without a second thought, jumped.

A/N First cliffhanger! Don't forget to please comment and vote if you liked this and there will DEFINETELY be a part two to this oneshot :)

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