Patch Me Up

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Ivy was in her room at Avengers tower jamming out to some music and going through the books on her book shelf she had yet to read. So many books, yet so little time.

She sighed and suddenly felt her stomach grumble.

"Hey J? Do we have any stuff to make sandwiches?" she asked the A.I.

"Yes Miss Ivy, it appears we have bread, mayonnaise, mustard, lettuce, tomato and ham in stock." replied J.A.R.V.I.S.

"Cool, thanks J!" she said as she started to get up from her bed.

"Oh, and may I mention ma'am that Agent Barton is roaming around the communal floor," said the AI with what one could only assume was an amused and sassy British voice.

Ivy blushed at J.A.R.V.I.S.' comment. The AI had noticed her awkward encounters with the archer and Ivy had accidentally ranted about her crush towards Clint one day in her room and J.A.R.V.I.S. had responded. Ever since then, the AI let's her know about possible awkward encounters and is always there to talk to Ivy when she needed someone to talk to.

"Ok, thanks J.A.R.V.I.S.," she said a bit nervously. She never knew how to talk to Clint without embarrassing herself. Like that one time she was in the kitchen and she stuck her elbow in the butter that was on the counter. Or the time Clint walked into the gym and Ivy tripped on the treadmill and flew off of it.

She stuck her head out of her room, then made a run for the elevator. It went up to the communal floor and she peered cautiously out onto the floor.

She made her way silently towards the kitchen, looking in all directions. No sign of Clint. After a moment, she got all the ingredients for her sandwich.

She happily made it, humming the tune to one of her favorite songs, eventually dancing around the kitchen for a bit.

What Ivy didn't see was Clint stealthily watching her from the kitchen door. He had a huge crush on Ivy but didn't know how to act on it. Not to mention he always acted like a fool around her. Like the time Ivy walked into the kitchen and he dropped the bowl of cereal he was eating. Or the time he saw her walk by in the hallway and he accidentally almost dropped Natasha when he was helping her exercise.

But J.A.R.V.I.S. had alerted Clint that Ivy was on her way to the kitchen. The AI knew Clint had feelings for Ivy, ever since Clint was pacing frustrated in his room and he started ranting about his crush on Ivy. J.A.R.V.I.S. had talked to him about it and know Clint had someone to talk to.

Clint smiled as he saw Ivy dance around. Then she turned to leave the kitchen and Clint rushed around the corner.

She was walking out of the kitchen and back to the elevator, Clint temporarily out of her mind. Then with sudden courage, the archer popped out behind Ivy and said "Hey Ivy!"

Ivy whipped around in surprise, a look of shock on her face.

"H-hey Clint..." she said shyly.

"Watcha doing?" he asked while rubbing the back of his head nervously.

"Just um, made myself a sandwich," she said, taking a step back.

"Cool, well have fun um, eating the sandwich..." he replied lamely. Have fun eating the sandwich?! How stupid! he thought to himself while mentally facepalming.

Ivy chuckled and mumbled a thanks while turning around rather clumsily. While she turned, she bumped into a small table in the hallway that had a vase on it, a decoration Pepper had insisted on. She hit her side on the table while the vase fell over.

Both Clint and Ivy gasped as Ivy fell to the ground, hands in front of her to catch her, and the vase broke. When Ivy looked up, she gave Clint an embarassed look.

"Oh God, are you ok?!" asked Clint frantically with wide eyes, rushing to Ivy's side. Ivy looked down at her hands that were now shaking and saw they were covered with blood. The vase that had broken had cut her hands.

Ivy felt weak at the sight of her own blood and she leaned against Clint.

"Patch me up?" she asked shakily.

"Yeah...yes! Come on, let's get you back to the kitchen," he said while helping her get up, both leaving a sad forgotten sandwich on the floor.

Once in the kitchen, Clint sat Ivy down on a chair while he ran to his room to get his first aid supplies. But of course, his first aid supplies had much more equipment than a regular first aid bag.

When he got back to the kitchen, silent tears were going down Ivy's face.

"Hey, don't worry. I'm gonna fix you up," said Clint gently as he wiped her tears away. Ivy nodded and tried to give him a small smile.

Then Clint's medical instincts kicked in. He cleaned up Ivy's hands and started to stitch them up. All the while, he was trying to make conversation with Ivy.

"Didn't know a super assassin archer could stitch up hands the way you do Clint," said Ivy eventually.

"They train us for everything, in case of emergency," said Clint "in case we or someone with us gets hurt out on the field."

Ivy nodded. Clint was almost done, leaning carefully over Ivy's hands. When he finished, he held Ivy's small hands in his for a moment. Ivy blushed and Clint just looked on in wonder.

He looked up at Ivy, they're faces inches a part. They looked into each other's eyes tenderly.

"You're so beautiful," Clint murmured.

"I am?" Ivy asked shocked.

Clint's eyes widened at what he had said out loud but then his gaze softened.

"Of course you are. You're one of the most beautiful, sweetest, smartest girls I have ever met," he said, still holding Ivy's hands.

"Clint..." she said softly.

They both leaned in and their lips met softly. After a few moments of kissing, they pulled away and smiled.

"I've wanted to do that for so long," Ivy said blushing.

"Me too," said a smiling Clint.

"Finally," said J.A.R.V.I.S.' voice. "Shall I make dinner reservations for the both of you at one of New York's finest restaurants?"

Both Clint and Ivy looked at each other, wide-eyed, about to burst out laughing.

"Um, sure J.A.R.V.I.S.," said Clint a little embarassed.

"You told him too?" asked Ivy, amused. Clint nodded.

"Of course he did Miss Ivy, even if he hadn't, it was very obvious and only a matter of time before an incident like this happened, with the both of you being so clumsy," said the British voice of the AI.

"Who knew a robot could be so sassy?" said Ivy.

"He is definitely Tony's creation," said Clint.

The pair laughed and decided to go watch TV together until their date that evening, but not before Clint made Ivy another sandwich.

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