Snuggling and Scary Movies

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Tap tap tap, you heard as your heartbeat quickened. The eerie noise was coming from the door and you whimpered as you heard the door knob being turned. You curled yourself into a tight ball, terrified of what was gonna happen next.

Darkness engulfed you and you gasped as you heard the menacing voice of the dark figure at the door say "Hello dearie, time to die!!" followed by insane laughter. You winced as the woman on the TV let out a shriek and you hid behind the blanket as the stranger started stabbing her.

"I knew she shouldn't have gone in there," you muttered as you remained curled up on the couch, peeking at the TV from behind the blanket. After the man killed the woman, an unsettling silence followed. You stayed tense, expecting something to make you jump next.

The silence remained as you were unable to tear your eyes away from the TV. In that moment, a deep and gruff voice was heard from behind you.

"Hey (Y/N)-"

"OH MY GOD!," you screamed, jumping up suddenly and whirling around to see who had snuck up on you.

A startled-looking Bucky stood there in shock, hands in front of him as if to show he was harmless. You stared at him wide-eyed, blanket wrapped around you protectively and hands shaking.

"Bucky?! What the hell?" you shouted at him.

"Hey, I didn't do anything wrong! I just wanted to see what you were doing," he said defensively yet with a hurt glance.

"Oh god, you almost gave me a heart attack Buck," you told the handsome super-soldier, bringing your hand up to rub your head.

"Sorry," you heard him mumble apologetically.

You glanced up at his hurt, puppy-dog look and said "Oh Buck, it's not your fault. I was just watching a scary movie and I was being paranoid."

You plopped back down on the couch as he just said "Oh."

"You can join me if you want. Protect me from the scary things," you said with a chuckle.

Pink dusted his cheeks slightly and he said "All rights doll, but just so you know, you might have to be the one protecting me. These scary movies nowadays are just crazy. Back in my day-"

"Alrighty there old timer, just shush and watch the movie," you said with a laugh and tugged his metal arm so he'd come near you. He blushed again without you noticing and sat on the arm of the couch. Bucky had liked you for quite a while now but didn't know how to tell you. He always felt insecure around you and his smooth and charming self always decided to abandon ship when you were around. Maybe this time, he'd present himself a bit more with confidence.

As the suspense continued, you brought the blanket in tight, bringing it up to hide part of your face again. Your hand still remained loosely looped around Bucky's metal arm and he sat there, keeping as still as possible for some reason. He couldn't exactly feel your touch on that arm but it still made him nervous and tingly.

Just as there was a jump scare, you yelped and dug your face into his side unexpectedly. Bucky's eyes went wide but he brought his arm around you.

"Wow, sorry Buck. Why don't you make yourself more comfortable?" you asked after recovering slightly from the scare.

"Um, sure," he said with a small smile, relaxing a bit more and leaning more towards you.

You watched eagerly yet with horror as the killer in the movie came upon his next victim. He let out another insane laugh and started to kill the next girl. You shouted and pulled Bucky down from the arm of the couch accidentally so that he landed right next to you. You basically jumped into his lap, burying your head in the crook of his neck, wrapping your arms around his waist.

Bucky froze, unbeknownst to you, and he looked down at you. This is it Barnes, he thought to himself with a determined look on his face. He gently wrapped his arms around you, resting his head on top of yours.

It was your turn to freeze now. You had liked Bucky since the day you met him but dismissed the thoughts because you thought he'd never like you back. Boy were you wrong. You slowly looked up at him.

"Buck?" you asked hesitantly, yet not wanting to ruin the moment.

"Can we just enjoy this for now (Y/N)? It's just so simple to lay in each others arms, and God I can't tell you how much I like you all right now. You can stop if you want but, let's not make it complicated just yet," Bucky said, voice barely above a whisper. He looked down at you with loving eyes and you looked right back. You slowly nodded, a blush spreading on your face as he gently tucked back a loose strand of hair with his metal arm away from your face.

A scream was heard from the TV and you both jumped, Bucky hugging you tighter. You had forgotten about the movie and laughed. But even thought it wasn't a romantic movie, you both kept watching it. It just gave the both of you an excuse to not let go of each other.

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