Natasha Dives In

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I'm tied to a chair. Yeah, that's right. To a chair. So, yeah, how wonderful. Hello, my name is Mavis (Hello Mavis, says a bored voice in my mind), and I think it's safe to say that I'm tied to a chair because Tony Stark is my boyfriend.

Now don't get me wrong, I absolutely love him and I don't care if dating him puts me in danger. I just want him to be safe but I understand that he's a genius *eye roll * and he needs to go out and save people too. It's just that, once in a while, you get ridiculous guys who wanna take you hostage and make the situation unnecessarily dramatic. Like, c'mon guys, stop being drama queens. It annoys the crap out of me.

Well, Tony and the rest of the team were out on a mission and I was out picking something up to eat. Out of no where, these guys decide to jump me and put me into a dark van. Like that isn't mysterious at all. Anyway, the rest went like it always does.

The guys drugged me and took me to their oh so secret lair, which happened to be on a boat. The main bad guy made a big show of telling me who he was and his plans to take down the Avengers and rule the world. Yawn. He said I was his hostage, which was very obvious at this point. During all his talking, I pulled out a small knife out from my back pocket. These stupid guys made the mistake of not searching me. I started to cut the ropes that were keeping my hands tied and once it was cut, I put the knife back and pretended I was still tied up.

By this point, with the kidnapping me and talking, about two hours had passed. The lousy guy had decided to video call Tony to show him where I was at. When Tony's face popped up on the screen, he looked worried.

"Mavis!" he exclaimed "Are you ok?"

I huffed and said "Yeah, I'm fine. Except, I'm very hungry cause these guys took me right when I was gonna eat and they're really annoying me with all their cliché villain stuff. I mean, taking over the world? That was so last year with Loki."

The man who was my captor gave me an angry look and slapped me.

"Hey!" Tony yelled.

I refrained myself from jumping on this guy and rolled my eyes. While him and Tony were discussing what they were gonna trade for my freedom, I just sat there in boredom. I mean, this has happened to me at least six times already. When the guy turned dramatically from the screen, Tony gave me a look and winked at me. I smiled and nodded. Then the screen went black.

The look meant that he wasn't gonna go through with the trade, and that the team was gonna bust in, pick me up, and take down this guy and his crew. I say 'pick me up' cause Tony and the team know that I've probably already found a way to escape and I'm just waiting for a ride home. It's happened like this before.

Another our passed and my butt was getting numb. Then suddenly, me and the bad guy heard his guards outside the door being taken out. The guy grabbed a gun and aimed it at the door, his back facing me. By the quick way the guards were taken out, I could tell which two people it could have been, and they were both master assassins.

"So mister," I said to the guy casually "you know your gonna lose right? I mean, there is a really scary person you don't wanna deal with and they will take you down."

I could hear the door trying to open, and the guy tensed a little.

"Oh yes? And who could that be?" he asked tauntingly.

"Me," I said. By this point, I had stood up from the chair and grabbed a piece of a metal bar lying around. When I spoke, I hit him in the back of the head with it. He was instantly knocked out cold and at that moment, the door finally opened. At the doorway stood the Black Widow.

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