Trust Me Patchy

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Some pretty crazy stuff was happening lately, but it wasn't like people discovering me would be any different.

My name is Hazel (NOT Levesque or Grace Lancaster for you other crazy fandoms ;)) and some people at first glance may describe me as a werewolf, but I'm not. I'm 19 now but I left home when I was 17. I discovered I had certain, traits, that made me unique and unusual. Basically, I had some wolf characteristics.

I had a brown, fluffy wolf tail, brown ears, wolf claws, and light, almost gold eyes. Not to mention I was strong, fast, and could smell a good burger from 5 miles away. I left to protect my family in case anybody found out about me and wanted to take advantage of my abilities. My family insisted they'd be alright, but we all knew they wouldn't be if I stayed, so I've been on the road for the last two years.

Earlier in the day, I heard about some weird events going on. The reporter on the news said there had been a big, random earthquake somewhere and some weird terrorist guy was in Germany. I head Iron Man was involved somewhere in there. I brushed it off and decided I could use some time in the woods. I felt more me there.

It was already dark out but it's not like I can't defend myself. I sprinted through the trees at full speed in my black converse, loving the wind in my face and letting my senses take over. I could hear a plane in the distance and then thunder. Weird, it didn't look or smell like it was going to rain. Then I heard a crash about half a mile away. I decided to be nosy and sprinted towards the noise.

When I got to the source of the crash, these two guys dressed up weird were arguing by a cliff. I hid near them behind a tree, listening carefully. The bigger, blonde guy was calling the thinner, dark-haired one brother and he was asking him for a cube. The dark-haired one dressed in green was full of sass, but was clearly the one with issues here. Suddenly, a flash of metal body-slammed into the bigger guy with a hammer and they crash landed at the bottom of the cliff.

I recognized Iron Man right away. He was everywhere after all. Him and the one calling himself Thor started to fight. Meanwhile, I was keeping an eye on the guy who's name I found out was Loki. After some fighting, this very patriotic looking guy in spandex stopped the fight between Iron Man and Thor. I realized this must have been Captain America.

When the fight had settled, Loki started to back up into the forest, preparing to escape. Oh no you don't, I thought in my head. I don't know why though, since I clearly knew I was no superhero, but my instincts kicked in and I sensed some really dark, twisted evil stuff taunting this guy, which made him extremely dangerous.

I emerged from the trees quickly and tackled him. He looked surprised and tried to fight back. By the end of his attempt to fight me, which lasted about a second, he was laying on the ground on his back facing me and I was over him. I had my claws around his throat and my ears flattened against my head as I growled and barred some sharp teeth at him. He stiffened and you could tell in his eyes he was trying to think fast. I think this guy had already had a plan, and I was clearly and unexpectedly not part of it.

"Who are you?" a gruff voice said ahead of me.

I looked up and saw Iron Man, Thor and Captain America all facing me with tough yet shocked faces.

"Ah, hello!" I said with a smirk. Iron Man held up a glowing hand at me and Thor looked ready to throw his hammer at me.

"Hold on!" I said "This guy was trying to escape and I tackled him before he got away. This may seem weird but I can sense some kind of evil in him, something that doesn't quiet belong there..." Loki gave a growl under me but I tightened my grip around his neck.

"You can have him and I'll just be on my merry way," I said. Iron Man and Thor lowered their weapons slightly while Captain America took a step forward.

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