Dozing Off

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The couch looks so comfortable, you thought as you walked down to the communal floor. You were a scientist and long time friend of Bruce Banner. He had asked you to come to Avengers Tower to help him with some stuff he had been recently working on. You had agreed to come but since you lived all the way in California, Tony Stark had temporarily given you a room to stay in at the Tower.

At the moment, you hated Bruce, but in a friendly manner. He had you stay up late with him last night and wake up early this morning. You yawned as you walked over to the comfortable yet expensive looking couch. You plopped down and laid on your side.

Your eyes started to feel really heavy until you heard heavy footsteps enter the room. You sat up quickly to see Thor striding into the room.

"Ah, Lady (Y/N), how are you doing?" he asked with a smile.

"Um, fine. Just fine. How about you?" you stammered with a light blush on your face.

"I'm doing excellent. Do you mind if I sit here and watch television? Stark says I should try it more often," he said.

"No, not at all," you replied.

He smiled and sat next to you. You smiled back a little nervously. You barely knew the Avengers and this particular one made you more nervous than the rest. Bruce had only introduced you to the team once and you had ran into some of them a couple of times, but you tried to steer clear of Thor. Not because you didn't like him, it was actually quite the contrary. You were afraid you'd act stupid in front of him. He was so handsome and his smile made your heart want to melt, and just looking at him gave you butterflies, but all that increased your chances of being clumsy around him.

While sitting there thinking about Thor, you hadn't realized that the TV wasn't even on. Thor cleared his throat a bit and turned to look at you expectedly. A look of realization dawned on your face after a few moments.

"Oh! Do you want me to turn on the TV for you?" you asked hurriedly.

"Yes please. I still do not know how to work Midgardian technology," he said.

You looked for the remote and turned on the TV.

"Would you like to watch anything in particular?" you asked him.

"Barton mentioned something about the game football? He said I might enjoy it," he replied.

You chuckled and started looking for a game that may be on. An image of Thor playing football popped into your mind and it made you laugh out loud.

"What's amusing?" asked Thor looking a little confused.

"Oh nothing, but you should ask Clint one day if he'd like to play football with you," you said with a smile. Thor simply nodded. The look on the archers face as Thor tackled him would be hilarious.

You found a game that was on and left it there. You sat back and tried to relax, once again yawing.

"Are you tired Lady (Y/N)?" he asked.

"Yeah, Bruce had me up with him late last night and early this morning working on stuff. I just told him I needed a brake so I came down here," you said with another yawn.

"You should rest," he said "take a nap perhaps."

"No, it's ok. I'll be fine in a little bit," you lied. Of course you wanted to take a nap, but you didn't want to fall asleep in front of the God of Thunder. And leaving now seemed a little rude to you.

Thor looked at you a little worried. What you didn't know was that he liked you too. Since the moment Bruce introduced the both of you, he thought you were the most beautiful thing.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

You nodded with a smile and looked at the game on TV.

It had been thirty minutes and you were bored. Thor seemed to be enjoying the game but you had started to doze off. You tried to snap yourself out of it but your eyelids continued to get heavier and heavier.

Thor had noticed this when you had a dozed off and let out a small snore. He smiled to himself as your eyes fluttered open, trying to keep yourself awake.

Without a thought, he wrapped a big arm around you and pulled you in close to him. You were so tired that you barely knew what was going on.

You snuggled into his warm side and dozed off again, this time falling asleep for good.

Thor smiled to himself and gently ran his hand through the tips of your hair.

After a good while, you felt yourself waking up. You felt yourself laying on something really warm and something equally warm was wrapped around you.

You opened your eyes to see yourself basically laying on Thor. You made a move to get up but then you heard a snore.

You looked up at Thor's face to see him asleep. You smiled to yourself and blushed as you felt his arm tighten around you. You laid your head back down on his chest and closed your eyes, feeling very content.

After feeling you move, Thor opened his eyes a tiny bit to see you still laying on him comfortably. The prince of Asgard smiled to himself, happy to think that after this you'd spend a little more time with him. He was excited to get to know you better.

A/N Please don't forget to comment and vote if you liked it :)

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