Can I Borrow Your Hoodie, Stark?

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You were bored out of your mind. How could Tony spend his time 24/7 down in his lab? You hadn't seen him in almost a week and he joined you in bed for only a few hours each night. Not that it really mattered because he climbed in hours after you had fallen asleep and left before you even woke up.

You sighed as you walked down the hall into the communal kitchen.

"Is everything alright, Miss (L/N)?" asked J.A.R.V.I.S. with a concerned tone. It amazed you how Tony had given his AI emotions and independent thought.

"Yeah, I'm fine J," you tried to reassure him but your gloomy attitude betrayed you.

"I am detecting levels of distress on an emotional level. Would you like me to contact Mr. Stark?" he inquired.

"Don't even bother," you muttered as you looked for something warm to drink. "He won't care. He's too busy doing whatever the hell he does now."
"I'm sure he'd be alarmed to learn that you don't think he cares about you, Miss (L/N)," he tried to reason with you.

"Do whatever the hell you want J. If I were you, I wouldn't bother telling him about me. But, whatever. Thanks for asking if I'm ok, by the way," you said a bit grumpily but appreciative of the AI.

You made some hot cocoa/tea (which ever you prefer) and marched back to your room that you 'shared' with Tony.

You plopped on the bed and sighed, feeling a bit depressed that your boyfriend had basically forgotten you.

~•~•~Down In The Lab~•~•~

AC/DC was being blasted in the lab as Tony lie on his back, trying to fix something on the leg of his latest Iron Man suit.

The music suddenly shut off, causing Tony to yell "Hey!" with a frown on his face.

"Sir, I think you should hear something," said J.A.R.V.I.S.' voice with a stern tone.

"Not now buddy. I'm super busy. Turn the music back on," Tony said impatiently as he reached for a different tool near him.

"I'm afraid not, sir," the AI stated.

Tony rolled his eyes and sat up, wiping his forehead with his arm to get some sweat off. "What do mean? Just turn it back on so I can keep working."

"No, sir. There are more pressing matters to discuss," J.A.R.V.I.S. insisted.

"Well, I'm sure they can wait," Tony grumbled as he went back to work on his suit.

Suddenly, all the lights in the lab went out, making the room pitch black. It was deadly silent before Tony spoke up.

"J.A.R.V.I.S., turn the lights back up," Tony said calmly yet the AI new he had made him angry.

"If you listen to what I have to say sir, I think you'd find it easier to see," J.A.R.V.I.S. said smugly.

A moment passed before Tony finally growled out "Fine."

The lights came back on and J.A.R.V.I.S. said "Sir, Miss (L/N) has expressed levels of emotional distressed recently. I have concluded it is because of your lack of presence, sir. She has said you no longer care about her. In my opinion, sir, I suggest you leave this lab immediately and go find her."

Tony looked horrified at hearing J.A.R.V.I.S.' words. He scrambled to his feet while grabbing a quick rag to clean most of the sweat off of him. He took off his shirt and put a clean one on he had brought with him this morning, all the while muttering "Oh god, oh god!"

He rushed to the door and raced to the elevator, shouting "Thanks J!"

~•~•~Back In Your Room~•~•~

With a frown, you noticed a piece of clothing on the floor near the dresser. You got up and wandered over to it. As you picked it up, a familiar scent hit your nose. It smelled like Tony.

You realized it was his hoodie. Just a plain grey hoodie but it made you feel warm inside. You slipped it on without a second thought.

Just then, you heard someone clear their voice. You spun around, eyebrows shot up in surprise, and saw none other than Tony Stark leaning against the door frame casually, a smirk on his face.

With his arms crossed, he said "Who said you could wear that hoodie?"

You scowled and hissed out "Can I borrow your hoodie, Stark?"

He frowned and had a genuinely hurt look on his face. "Ouch, last names huh?" he asked with a pout, now coming into the room.

"You better belive it," you grumbled as you tried to avoid Tony and instead curled up under the covers on the bed. You covered your entire body, hoping Tony would leave you alone.

You felt the bed dip as he sat down at the end of it. "(Y/N), I'm so sorry. I didn't realize how much time I was actually spending down in the lab. You know once I start over thinking things, I go crazy and focus on working. I care about you so much. You are my everything and a constant thought in my head while tinkering is keeping you safe," he said sincerely.

He pulled the covers back and wrapped an arm around your waist from behind. He kissed your neck lightly and you had to contain a giggle. His lips ended up by your ear and he whispered "I love you. And you look hot in my hoodie by the way."

You chuckled and rolled your eyes. "You have a lot of time to make up for Tony," you said expectantly.

"I'm on it," he stated and with that, he was by your side instantly and picking you up bridal style. You giggled madly as he showered you with kisses all over your face.

He then set you down, turned around, and picked you up piggy back style. You laughed loudly, not having done this since you were a kid.

You two spent the whole after noon running around with you on Tony's back, snuggling, and watching old movies together.

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