You Won't Hurt Me Bucky

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It was a normal day for Scarlett. Wake up, go to work, come back home and make dinner and spend time with Bucky. Scarlett had found Bucky late one night on the streets after a late shift at the restaurant she worked at.

It was chilly out and starting to drizzle. She was walking when suddenly four men decided to confront her. She on instinct brought out the small pocket knife she kept in her purse but one of the men knocked it out of her hand. She opened her mouth to yell but another one of the men covered her mouth roughly with his hand. She started to kick and wreath in their grasp until a strong male voice yelled "Hey!".

All the men let her go except for one, keeping Scarlett's hands pinned behind her. They faced the new man who stood menacingly in the shadows. You could only see his dark outline. Then men taunted this stranger until he stepped forward into the light of the street light. It had started to pour at this point and Scarlett was cold and wet. The stranger removed the hood of his black hoodie to reveal a rugged face, dark hair to his shoulders and fierce eyes. He was built and also wore dark jeans, black boots and black gloves. The men took a small step back and Scarlett let out a whimper as the man holding her held a knife to her throat.

The three men ran at the stranger, the stranger beating them severely. He was fast and his blows were powerful. At one point, the sleeve of his hoodie rode up a bit and Scarlett saw a glint of something shiny on his arm. When the three men were down, the stranger faced Scarlett and the last man. The man was pointing the knife out to the stranger as if to keep him away as he kept Scarlett close. The stranger made eye contact with Scarlett, beautiful blue eyes meeting hers. His eyes were kind and reassuring, leaving a warm and safe feeling in Scarlett.

He yelled "Duck!" and Scarlett did so quickly. She stayed kneeling down as the stranger kicked the man fast over Scarlett, square in the chest. The man flew back, surprised. He groaned on the floor but soon scrambled to his feet and ran away. Scarlett let out a shaky breath and looked to see that the stranger that had saved her had slumped to the ground.

She hurriedly made her way over to him. He sat on the ground shivering and looking pale. His clothes looked worn and he looked exhausted and weak. Scarlett guessed he had no where to go and had been on the streets all alone. The fight to protect her had taken a toll on him.

As Scarlett knelt down next to him, he ducked his head and shied a bit away from her.

"Hey, are you alright? What you did was incredible! Thank you so much for saving me," she said as she put a gentle hand on his shoulder.

With his head still down, he said "The question is, are you alright? I hope those idiots didn't hurt you."

"I'm fine. You got here just in time. But seriously, are you ok? You look like your in pretty bad shape. What's your name?" she asked in a soft voice.

He slowly looked up at her with hair covering part of his face. "Bucky. And yours?" he asked.

"Scarlett," she said with a small smile. "Now, lets get you up Bucky."

She grabbed his wrist, just between where the glove ended and the sleeve of his hoodie began. She felt something unbelievably cold and hard touch her fingers but she helped him up anyways. When Bucky was on his feet, she pulled up the sleeve of his hoodie slightly and her eyes widened in surprise. He had a silver metal arm. It didn't look like a normal prosthetic, it looked so advanced. She stood staring at it and Bucky tensed. He immediately pulled his arm back.

"I should go," he said a bit bitterly. He made a move to walk away but instead he looked like a drunk and almost fell over. He swayed as he tried to regain his balance but Scarlett rushed by his side and held him up. She put his normal arm around her shoulder and he heavily leaned against her, almost toppling Scarlett over. Bucky looked about ready to pass out.

"Woah there, let's get you to my apartment. I can help you there," she said. He nodded weakly and they both made their way slowly to Scarlett's apartment, drenched in the rain that was pouring on them. Scarlett took care of Bucky and after a while, learned who he really was. The both grew very close and now, six months later, were dating and living together.

As Scarlett got home, she saw Bucky laying on the couch watching TV.

"Hey Buck!" she called out cheerily.

"Hello Scarlett!" he said with a smile, now walking up to her to give her a sweet kiss. He was so much happier now, Scarlett being able to help him see that he wasn't really a bad person. She was the bright light in his dark life, the person to bring back happiness. But sometimes he couldn't help but be angry with himself for not being strong enough to fight off all the H.Y.D.R.A. brainwash, to stop himself from killing all those people, for having an arm that only served to remind him of his weakness.

Bucky stuck around the kitchen as Scarlett made dinner, the both of them talking about their days. When dinner was ready, they sat down and ate. After they finished, they decided it was best to move onto the couch to snuggle and watch a movie.

Bucky sat down and Scarlett snuggled onto the side with his metal arm. Halfway through the movie, he subconsciously put his heavy arm around her. He tried to get her to scoot closer to him but Scarlett let out a yelp and he immediately let her go.

"What's wrong?" he asked panicked.

"Nothing, just squeezed a bit too hard," she said with a chuckle. She tried to hide her wince as she rubbed her slightly hurt arm.

Bucky gained a hateful look in his eye. Hate for himself. He hated it when he hurt Scarlett. The only person to bring him joy and he hurt her with his damn arm that he absolutely hated.

"Hey, it's ok Buck," said Scarlett softly "it's no big deal."

"It is!" he said angered. "I hate myself and this stupid arm! I wish I would've been left to die all those years ago! I wouldn't have hurt or killed any of the people I already have! I wouldn't be hurting you Scarlett! You don't deserve a broken man!" he yelled, pacing around the room, shaking with rage.

Scarlett sat there in silence, wanting to help the poor man she loved.

"You are not a broken man Bucky. You are the man I love," she said softly, walking up gently behind him. "If you would've died, I wouldn't have met you. I'd probably be dead because you wouldn't have saved me that night we met. And if I weren't dead, I'd be miserable. Having to live with what those men would have done to me and without my true love. You are my brave soldier Bucky. Your arm can also save people. Don't you ever forget that. And you know killing all those people wasn't your fault. And both of us know you wouldn't hurt me Bucky." she said, now having her arms wrapped around his strong torso from behind.

Bucky turned around and looked down at Scarlett in the eye. Now that she had calmed him down, he gave her a warm smile and embraced her in a loving hug.

"Thank you Scarlett, for everything," he said softly into her hair. She smiled to herself as she rested her head against his chest.

"Let's go to bed," she said.

They both got into bed and Scarlett made sure she was laying down facing Bucky. He was facing her and she slowly grabbed his metal arm and draped it around her waist. He tensed and tried to move his arm away.

"Don't worry Bucky, you won't hurt me," said Scarlett.

Bucky slowly relaxed and they both drifted off into a comfortable sleep in each others arms. When Bucky woke up, Scarlett was gone. He feared he might have hurt her during the night but then he looked down at his metal arm.

In the little plastic magnetic letters that kids usually put on refrigerators, there was a message on his arm. It read 'I love you -S'. Bucky smiled to himself and whispered an 'I love you too'.

He was so grateful he had a girl like Scarlett to love him no matter what and to show him the brighter side of life.

A/N Hey guys! So, I feel like my last Bucky oneshot, which was my first oneshot called Helping a Lone Soldier, kinda sucked. Hopefully this one is better! Please let me know and comment and vote if you like this one.

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