Falling Part Two

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Tony had jumped over the railing without a second thought. His eyes widened as he realized what he had just done but he called the suit that was connected to him through a series of signals throughout his body.

In a few moments, his armor was fully on. As he kept diving down, heartbeat racing, a sudden white blur sped upwards and passed him as he was going down and it was going up.

Tony realized he couldn't see you below him so he stopped and looked up.

He saw a dark figure gliding through the dark sky with huge white wings spread out at either side. He zoomed up and saw you better.

Your hair was loose and flying in the wind behind you. Your eyes were still closed but you had a blissful smile on your face. Your arms were spread out along with your massive white wings.

Tony thought you looked perfect but he was worried. What made you suddenly do this?

He flew near you as you kept gliding above the city. He suddenly heard you gasp and saw you drop a few feet.

"(Y/N) are you ok?" he asked worried.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. I t-thought I was just having a d-dream. Is this real?!" you yelled over the wind in fright and confusion.

"Yup, you freaked me out earlier when you jumped off the balcony. Not something I ever wanted to see while I was half asleep," Tony replied.

"Well, this is kinda awesome," you said with a giggle, enjoying the feeling of being up in the air so high and free.
"Awesome? You just woke up from sleep walking and your up in the sky. You're ok with that?" Tony asked curiously.

"This is how my dream was going, so yeah. It feels liberating," you said cheerily. You flew in a circle in midair and laughed histarically. Tony smiled inside his suit, just simply admiring you.

You continued to fly around and do tricks until Tony convinced you that it was probably time to head back to the Tower.

You both took a dive towards the Tower and landed on the balcony. Tony's suit disengaged itself and you were left with your wings still spread open.

"Nice choice of color," Tony commented.

"Um, thanks," you said shifting your feet a bit awkwardly.

"(Y/N), can you tell me what that was all about?" Tony asked.

You sighed and looked away.

"It felt so good to fly in my dream. I've never actually done it," you said quietly.

Tony stood there in mild shock. After all these years with your wings, you had never flown?

"I felt free," you continued. "My wings always hurt cause I have them tucked in, folded up. Sometimes I stretch them out and think how awesome it'd be if I kept them open all the time. But I usually keep them black because I want my wings to die, just wither away because, you know, of the burden they've caused me."

Tony stood there silently, heart aching because you felt this way about your wings.

"But, this dream was different. I wasn't being judged. I was flying around carefree, my wings a pure white because I was happy. Why can't that happen in real life Tony?" you asked, turning to Tony with tears in your eyes.

He instinctively stepped forward and wrapped you in a warm and comforting hug. You burrowed into his chest, the light blue glow of the arch reactor in his chest shone gently on your face. It was a beacon of comfort to you.

"Your perfect (Y/N), even with your amazing wings. And you know what, you shouldn't hide them. You should show them off and say 'This is who I am'. You should fly more often. You should keep them whatever color makes you confident. You should be the one enjoying life and not worry what others think." Tony said while holding you.

Your wings twitched at Tony's words and you slowly moved them so that they would wrap around the two of you. You blushed as Tony held you tighter.

"Thanks Tony," you mumbled.

Tony leaned his head back, looking down at you directly in the eyes. Simultaneously, the two of you leaned in and kissed.

After a moment, you pulled your head back. You looked at Tony lovingly. You couldn't believe you two had just kissed!

"Thank you Tony, seriously. For everything that you do for me," you said with a gentle smile.

"Don't thank me yet (Y/N), now that you can fly, you can join the team. I think it'd be good for you," he said.

"You know, I think it would. I could fly more often and maybe if I'm kicking ass against bad guys, people won't judge me as bad anymore," you stated thoughtfully.

"Exactly! And plus, I can build you a special suit that'll go around your wings so you can use them to fly but you'll still be able to shoot stuff!" Tony said excitedly holding your hand.

"Of course, the armor will have to be light so your wings can still carry you....and maybe I can add a special feature so the armor color will change according to your wing color...." he went on rambling.

You chuckled sofly.

"What?" he asked, looking at you curiously.

"You're just so sweet, and adorable. And I'm lucky to have you," you said sofly.

"Have me, huh? Are we official now? Is this happening? Cause I'm warning you now (L/N), I'm tough to deal with," he said with a smirk.

"I've gone this long Stark, I think I can handle you. If not, I'll fly you up without your armor and see how you feel then," you said with a devious smile.

"Alright (Y/N), my little angel, you've convinced me," he said, giving you another kiss.

You both walked back into the building, hand in hand. Your wings were spread proudly behind your back, still a pure white.

"You know, angel sounds a little too cliché," you said.

You both looked at each other and laughed. You were overjoyed you had finally found peace with yourself and love with Tony.

A/N So that was Part Two! Please let me know if you liked it by commenting and voting :)

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