I Got This Bruce

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"Come on Bruce! We've talked about this!" I whined as I practiced hitting a dart board with some knives in Bruce's lab.

"Grace, it's too dangerous," he said seriously while looking at some papers.

"Fighting is what I do best Bruce! I can defend myself no problem," I said after hitting a bull's-eye.

"Honey, I don't want you to get hurt. You could slip up or I could squish you by accident," he said slowly while taking his glasses off and rubbing his eyes tiredly.

I gasped in mock hurt, one hand dramatically over my heart.

"Me? Slip up? Why Brucie, it's like you don't know me at all!" I exclaimed. He sighed in exasperation.

"I mean, come on," I continued "that is exactly the reason I was brought onto this team, because I have skill and can fight good. Besides, you won't squish me! Me and the Other guy get along just great!" I said with a huge smile, collecting all my knifes again.

"That may be true but accidents happen," he said. We had an ongoing argument on how many team missions I should be going on. It was in truth, a really ridiculous argument because I was an Avenger for a reason but no, Bruce has to be super protective. It was sweet of him but he had to learn when to stop.

We had started dating a few weeks after I joined the team. Now, we've been dating for almost a year. I am proud to say that I am one of the only people the Hulk is friendly with and trusts. That's why I'm not too concerned over him Hulking out on me. One stern look and the green guy heads off running, most of the time.

"Bruce," I said walking up to him and looking him in the eye "I am an Avenger. That means I fight. I save people, and that involves risk. I know what I signed up for."

He sighed and wrapped his arms around me, bringing me to his chest.

"I just don't want to loose you Grace," he mumbled " I love you too much and I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You won't loose me, I'm too good for that," I said smirking. "And I love you too," I said, giving him a small kiss.

A few days later, J.A.R.V.I.S. came onto the intercom and announced that the Avengers were needed on an emergency mission that was about 10 minutes away from the Tower. I was ready to go suit up when Bruce approached me.

"How about you sit this one out Grace, I don't think it requires all of us to go," he said with a little bit of edge in his tone. He probably knew this mission was a bit more dangerous than other ones. Steve rushed passed us looking for his shield, which I had recently used as a makeshift tray to carry food. Food was important.

"Bruce, I won't die if I go, and if I do, I want purple flowers at my funeral. No pink!" I said jokingly, trying to get past Bruce. I could hear Clint looking for his arrows, which I had also recently used to decorate my room, just for the hell of it.

"That's not funny," said Bruce grabbing my arms so I would keep still. "This one doesn't seem like a big deal, can you just stay please?" he asked, getting a little frustrated.

I was getting angry, but then I had an idea. My gaze softened as I put one hand sweetly on Bruce's cheek.

"You know what, I'll stay. You guys probably don't need me anyway this time," I said in a sweet tone with a smile. Natasha walked past us, mumbling about where the hell did her knife go. I took it out of my back pocket and handed it her.

"Great sweetie, we'll be back before you known it!" said Bruce as he gave me a hug and a quick kiss. He ran off to catch up with the rest of the team.

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