It's A Bit Chilly

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It was cold. Winter was giving New York all it had and you were stuck at Avenger Tower...with a cold.

You sneezed loudly, groaning in pain at the soreness of your throat from all the coughing. You reached to get a tissue from your night stand, getting slighly dizzy in the process.

A knock was heard at your door and you looked up to see the kind face of your lab partner and boyfriend, Bruce Banner.

"Hey honey, are you ok? You didn't come down to the lab this morning," he said, worry etched into his face as he approached your bed.

"I'm sick, Bruce," you responded, blowing your nose as if trying to make a point.

"Oh, well that's not good," he declared with a frown.

"Obviously," you said, nose all stuffed up, a shiver running through your body.

Bruce noticed and took note at the rest of your room. You had a couple of used tissues crumpled up on the floor by your bed, the tissue box on your nightstand. The bed was a mess of sheets, your legs tangled somewhere in between. You had as much of the cover tucked around you as possible as you half sat up. Your hair was a mess, skin pale and sweaty. Your eyes looked exhausted, nose pink from the sneezing and blowing, and with chapped lips. In all, you looked terrible and Bruce felt bad for you.

"Don't worry (Y/N), I'll take good care of you," he reassured you before he left the room.

"Wait, Bruce! You'll get sick too!" you shouted after him, causing you to go into a fit of coughing.

"No I won't!" you heard him yell from down the hall.

You rolled your eyes and snuggled back into your bed, hoping you'd get better soon. A few minutes later, Bruce came back with an armful of stuff.

"Honey, you'll just get sick. It's better if you just-" you tried reasoning the scientist before he cut you off by wrapped another blanket around you.
"No (Y/N), you need me here taking care of you. Doctor's orders," he said with a soft smile while putting a beanie on your head.

"A beanie?" you questioned him with an eyebrow raised and a sniffle.

"Yes, to keep you warm. And here, I grabbed a couple of your favorite movies. And I'll make you warm tea and warm soup and we can snuggle and watch movies. And don't worry, I won't get sick. I technically can't anymore cause of the Big Guy so that's good. And I'll bring you some meds to take too and why are you staring at me like that?" Bruce finally asked as he saw the expression on your face.

You had never met anyone like Bruce and for him to treat you like a queen when you were sick was just the sweetest thing to you. Usually, people would be disgusted and only care about themselves not getting sick. You smiled at Bruce, looking at him lovingly and cupping his cheek with your hand.

"You're just the sweetest boyfriend ever and I love you," you said with a sigh.

"I love you too (Y/N), and what kind of boyfriend would I be if I abandoned you while you were sick? Now just lie back, I'll bring your soup and stuff," Bruce said with so much sincerity in his voice.

You smiled as he brought in the promised soup and tea, snuggling in next to you in bed after he put in the movie. He wrapped his arms around you as you ate slowly. When you were done, he set the bowl and mug aside, giving you the medicine he was sure you needed.

You started to feel drowsy once the meds kicked in. You leaned your head on Bruce's chest, the glow of the TV shinning on your face. He wrapped his arms tighter around you, looking down at your face in adoration. He pressed his lips softly against your warm forehead as your eyes started to flutter shut.

"Get better honey," he whispered as you snuggled more comfortably against Bruce, feeling your fever start going down and in that moment, the last thought in your head was that you had the best boyfriend in the whole world.

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