Carnival Lights

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The smell of popcorn, cotton candy and hay filled your nose. Lights flashed, bells rang and the screams of people on rides could be heard. You grinned as you walked hand in hand with your boyfriend through the carnival.

"This is perfect Scott. I haven't been to a carnival in years!" you exclaimed, swinging your intertwined hands like an excited child.

"Yeah well, I tend to be the best," he said with a bright smile, chuckling when you punched his arm lightly and rolled your eyes.

You two kept walking when Scott suddenly stopped. He poked your arm and pointed up at one of the booths. Hanging among the prizes was a giant stuff animal gorilla. It looked to be about your size and was your favorite color.

"Oh my god," you said, mouth open as you starred up at it in awe.

"I bet I can win you that," Scott stated instantly.

You blinked at your boyfriend and then cracked a soft smile. "Not trying to be mean Scott but these games are usually rigged. Those prizes never get won," you said.

"Nonsense!" he said, making you giggled. "Babe, I can totally win that! Watch me."

And with that, he marched up to the booth with you in tow. At the back of the tent was a table with cans stacked on top of each other to form a pyramid. The sign said '$5 for 3 balls!'.

"Hello good sir! I will have three balls please," Scott said to the man running the booth in a bit of a sarcastic tone. You gave a small laugh as the man handed over the balls after Scott payed him.

"Now watch this (Y/N)," he said with a grin. He spread his legs, tossed the ball in the air once and then threw the ball at the cans like a goofy pitcher. It missed and he pouted at you. His fake hurt face made your heart melt and you laughed.

He tossed the second ball and it missed the cans again.

"Third times a charm," he said, pecking you on the lips quickly before throwing the last ball. You both saw it hit the bottom left can yet the pyramid of cans stayed upright.

"Hey!" you shouted, looking at the man running the booth expectantly. The man merely shrugged. You scrunched up your face in annoyance at the feeling of being cheated. "C'mon Scott," you mumbled but he caught your arm and stopped you from walking away. "Hold on, honey," he whispered.

He sighed and rolled his eyes. Tilting his head back a bit he said "Ok buddy, how much for the gorilla?"

The man barked a laugh and said in a gruff voice "It ain't for sale, pal. You have to win it. Now why don't you take your girlfriend and do something your actually good at."

Scott raised his eyebrows in mild surprise but you clenched your fist and started to say "Why you lazy, thieving-" before Scott stopped you by placing his arm around your shoulder. He knew how tough you were and despite how hot he thought you looked when you got mad(as long as it wasn't directed at him cause then he knew he was in trouble) ,he had a plan.

"I'll make you a bet," he offered the man at the booth, taking out his wallet in the process.

"I'm listening," said the man, eyeing the wallet with interest. You huffed and shook your head at the man in disapproval.

"If I knock over the cans on the first try, I get the giant gorilla. If I don't, I will give you all the money that I have in this wallet," he stated with certainty.

"Scott!" you exclaimed at the same time as the man said "Deal!" Scott smiled and shook the man's hand, looking back to wink at you.

"Get ready to go home on an empty wallet, boy," the man said with another gruff laugh.

You tugged at Scott's arm, frustrated with what he had just done. "Scott, what are you doing? It's rigged! You can't knock them over."

In a hushed voice, he said "Relax (Y/N), I have a plan. I'm not that stupid. They don't call me an Avenger for nothing."

"You were literally an Avenger for like one day," you stated.

"Still, I was accepted by Captain America and that has to count for something," he said as he pulled something small from his pocket and placed it in his ear. You recognized it right away as his 'ant controller'.

"You're going to cheat Scotty?" you asked in a whisper.

"Why not? They cheat with these games so it's only fair that I play dirty too. I will get you the damn gorilla babe," he said seriously and the whole situation just made you laugh. He grinned again and grabbed the ball.

"Alright, here we go," he said. He scrunched up his forehead just a bit in concentration and it made you realize just how much you loved your boyfriend. You looked at the cans and could see the ants coming over to the front, ready to push them over. The man running the booth was behind the table of cans so he couldn't see the ants piling up.

When enough ants had arrived, Scott threw the ball. It hit the middle of the pyramid and with the help of the ants pushing, the cans came toppling over. You squealed and wrapped your arms around Scott's waist.

The look of disbelief on the man's face running the booth was the funniest thing you had ever seen.

"I believe you owe me a gorilla sir," Scott said smugly. The man contorted his face in anger as he mumbled under his breath, reaching up to grab the gorilla and handing it over to Scott. He went over to inspect the cans as you basically skipped away from the booth with Scott, giggling as he tossed you the gorilla. It almost knocked you over but you hugged it close to your body, snuggling your face into it.

"Thank you babe!" you said excitedly, going onto your tip toes to give Scott a kiss. He moved his hand to cup your cheek and the other to the back of your neck, holding you to him gently. Butterflies filled your stomach as he said "Anything for you (Y/N)."

You gave him one more kiss before saying with a bright smile "You really do tend to be the best."

He fist-pumped into the air with a triumphant look on his face.

"Don't let it get go your head, Scotty!" you said as you started to walk away, Scott trailing behind you with a grin on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2016 ⏰

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