Slow Down

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You went about humming happily as you received a package from your family. You lived at Avengers Tower because you were Clint's best friend since childhood. When you were targeted for being his friend, he did everything he could to protect you. Thus, you living at the Tower.

Your family lived far from New York and you always got super excited when they sent you things. The box had 'FRAGILE' written on it which made you wonder. You went into the kitchen to grab a knife to open the box. In that moment, Clint walked in.

"Hey (Y/N), watcha got there?" he asked with intrigue.

"Package from my family. They might've packed something for you too," you said with a grin, knowing your family loved Clint. The archers eyes lit up and he scoot close to you, carefully taking and opening the box for you but quickly.

"I hope so. I love when your mom sends those brownies," he said.

You giggled as he pulled out his expected bundle of brownies and bounced around with happiness. Then you took a look at what was wrapped up in newspaper at the bottom of the box. You pulled it out carefully, unwrapped it and gasped softly. You recognized it as your grandmothers favorite vase, delicately designed with beautiful flowers all around.

"What's that?" Clint asked, mouth full of brownie.

"My grandma's vase. This note says that she thinks I should keep it. She says it's so I'll feel closer to home," you said, reading the note with wide, watery eyes.

"Aw, that's sweet! You better hurry and take it your room before someone like Stark breaks it," Clint suggested, now getting a glass of milk for his brownies. You chuckled an nodded, but just as you were about to grab the vase, a blue blur passed by you.

"Hey there angel," you heard a deep voice with a heavy accent say behind you. You turned, face red, and saw your crush Pietro leaning against the counter.

"Nice to see you too, Speedy," Clint said casually.

"Not you, idiot. I'm talking to this fine lady right here," Pietro said with a grin.

You blushed even harder and shyly said "Hey Pietro."

"Ugh! Don't you have anything better to do kid?" Clint asked Pietro with a sour face.

"Not at the moment," he replied with a grin, turning to look back at you.

"Well (Y/N) was busy, weren't you (Y/N)?" Clint asked, looking at you expectantly.

You sighed and rolled your eyes. "Yeah Clint, I was. But Pietro, if your not busy maybe we can hang out later?" you asked, heart racing.

"Sound lovely, my dear," he said, gazing at you intently. Clint looked like he was gonna barf. You nodded and turned to leave, vase in hand. Just as you were walking down the hallway, you heard Wanda call out for her brother.

"Coming sis!" he shouted back, zooming passed you. You didn't expect it though and lost your balanced as he ran by you. It seemed to happen in slow motion as you tumbled and the vase went flying. You shouted as it shattered on the floor.

"(Y/N)! Are you ok?!" you heard Clint yell, rushing from around the corner. "Oh no," he muttered as he saw you knelt down next to the broken vase, silent tears running down your face.

Pietro had stopped when he heard you shout and stood frozen in place as he saw you cry over the vase. "(Y/N), I-I'm so sorry," he said in a horrified whisper.

You were in shock. 'That did not just happen,' you thought in your head. Then, anger boiled inside of you. It was bad enough you rarely saw your family and you cherished everything you got from them, but this was your grandmother favorite vase. And now it was broken. Pietro might be your crush, but you were beyond angry with him. Why did he always have to run inside the building?

"(Y/N)?" you heard him call out.

"J-Just leave me alone," you said in a plain, quiet tone, tears still running down your face.

"But-," he tried to say but you cut him off.

"I said just leave me alone!" you yelled, making him jump and Clint wince. "That was my grandmothers vase! Her favorite! And now it's ruined! Why do you have to be so childish sometimes?"

You stood up, hands shaking and pushed passed a very hurt and shocked looking Pietro. You didn't even want to stay in the Tower. You wanted to get as far away from the broken vase and Pietro, somehow hoping it would all go away. You knew it wouldn't but you just needed to step away.

Meanwhile, in the hallway, Clint stood there with arms crossed and stared at Pietro with a death-glare. "You are so dead kid," he muttered, anger laced in his words. Pietro's eyes widened, and he stuttered as he said "What do I do? She'll hate me now!"

Clint continued to glare furiously at the younger man, who miserably buried his head in his hands. Clint sighed and said "You really like her kid?"

"Yes, maybe more than like" he heard Pietro mumble as he ran his hands through his hair.

Clint rolled his eyes but said "Well you better apologize to her and freakin tell her you like her! She's liked you for I don't know how long and it's not fair that you just tease her about it."

"You're right, I gotta go find her," Pietro stated.

"Of course I'm right. And if you hurt her in any way or form, I'll kill you. I don't care how fast you are, I'll figure out a way," Clint warned with a serious tone. Pietro gulped and quickly nodded, mumbling "Yes sir," before running off.

He asked J.A.R.V.I.S. where you were and grew alarmed when the AI told him you had left the building. It had been pouring all day and he did not want you out in the rain. He zoomed out to the nearby park he knew you liked to walk in and quickly found you.

You were soaking wet, crying on a bench with your head buried in your hands.

"(Y/N)..." he gently said, sitting next to you.

"Go away," you replied weakly, sniffling and shivering. He wrapped you up in his strong arms nonetheless and you cried harder.

"I am so sorry (Y/N). I didn't mean to break the vase and I would never want to hurt you. I love you too much to hurt you and it kills me to know I did something to upset you so badly. You are so beautiful and I don't wanna see your face tear-stained," Pietro sincerely said, burying his face into your hair. After hearing those words, you curled into him and rested your face on the crook of his neck, wrapping your arms around his neck.

You looked up with puffy eyes and quietly asked "Love?"

"Yup. I love you (Y/N), ever since I met you. I would say 'like' but the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew it was over for me," he said with a chuckle, leaning his forehead against yours.

"Well that's funny, considering I felt the same about you," you said with a sniffle and a grin, water still pouring down all around the both of you.

His smile widened and he helped you up, saying "Better get you inside before you get sick."

You nodded but before he could scoop you up, you faced him, heart racing. You were head shorter than him and his beautiful eyes gazed down at yours in wonder. You gently grabbed his face in your hands and his hands automatically went to your waist. Pietro leaned down as you stood up on your tiptoes and both your lips met in what you could only describe as the best kiss in your life. Both of you were soaking wet but neither of you cared. You both pulled away with matching grins.

"I love you," you both whisperer at the same time. The mushyness of the moment made you both laugh and Pietro scooped you up in his arms, bridal style. He carried you back to the Tower in a flash. As you both went to dry off, Clint was still in the kitchen eating your mom's homemade brownies.

"About freakin time," he said, mouth full of brownie.

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