Afraid of the Water?

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It was rare for the king of Wakanda to have a day off. You had met him when he had gone to America for a conference; you didn't know he was a king at first, mainly because he didn't brag about it like you'd expect others to do. What you did notice about him though is that he held himself with such confidence and importance, it left you in a bit of awe.

When he bumped into you that day of his meeting, he nearly knocked you over. You were prepared to hit the ground and then tell him off but when he caught you swiftly and set you on your feet again, you were stunned. He then apologized profusely, eventually asking you out for coffee in his charmingly deep, smooth voice that made the butterflies in your stomach go crazy. You accepted. Fast forward a couple months later and you were the girlfriend of the Black Panther.

Wakanda was doing good, so T'Challa immediately took the opportunity to spend time with you. He came to your house unexpectedly and basically kidnapped you, taking you to a beautiful lake out in the middle of nowhere.

"T'Challa, are you ever gonna get in the water?" you asked in a child-like tone, whinning a bit as you floated in the lake.

"Yes kitten, I'll go in. In a while," he responded back lazily, laying back and shutting his eyes on the chair he had brought. He sighed, relieved to finally be relaxing.

You rolled your eyes and said "Are you afraid of the water Mr.Kitty Cat?"

He gave a short laugh, music to your ears. "I am not afraid (Y/N), I would just prefer to relax over here for a bit," he said gently, giving you a smile as he saw your frustrated expression.

You scowled and dove under the surface of the water. When you resurfaced, you flailed your arms around in a dramatic manner, trying to get T'Challa's attention. "Oh no! Help me! Something got my leg and it's pulling me down!" you yelled, trying not to giggle while putting on your act.

He glanced at you in amusement, responding in a tragic tone "Oh no, what shall I tell the others when I return without my love!"

You squinted at him while he chuckled. "I see how it is. Fine, don't get in, I'll just have fun by myself CatMan," you said, stepping out of the water slowly.

"CatMan! That's a new one my love," he said with another chuckle, leaning back again and shutting his eyes as the sunlight coming from between the trees shined on his fit body.

"Brought me to have fun, to a lake. Lakes are for swimming! What's the use of us both being in bathing suits if we're not gonna swim," you muttered to yourself with a scowl as you climbed up a small cliff, perfect for jumping off of and into the lake.

"I can hear you (Y/N)," T'Challa said, eyes still shut.

"Yeah, yeah. You and your Panther hearing," you said, waving your hand to show you already understood. You reached the top and looked down into the lake. You decided to try one more trick up your sleeve.

You yelled suddenly and shouted in a panicked tone "T'Challa! I think a snake just bit me!"

He was by your side in a flash, almost as if he teleported right next to you. "Where (Y/N)? Did you see the snake? Where is the bite?" he asked, staying calm but searching your legs frantically for the bite, eyes wide. His reaction made your heart skip a beat. You did feel immediately guilty for scaring him so badly but the way he cared for you made you go all mushy inside.

You gently put your hands on either side of his face so that his eyes would meet yours. He froze as you said "I love you T'Challa."

"I love you too (Y/N)," he responded a little confused but with that, you pulled him in for a sweet kiss. His strong arms wrapped around your waist as he brought your body against his. You moved your hands to rest against his bare chest as you pulled away and confessed "There is no snake bite."

His eyes widened in surprise and then with a stern voice he said "(Y/N), do not joke around like that! Why did you lie?"

"To get you up here," you said in a mischievous whisper. Before the great Black Panther could react, you looped your arm around his and jumped off the edge of the small cliff, bringing him along with you. He gave an unexpected shout, one you'd never thought you'd hear from the king of Wakanda. The drop was about 20 feet and you both hit the water with a big splash. You broke to the surface, laughing as you looked around for your boyfriend.

"T'Challa?" you called out after realizing he wasn't around you. Panic filled your thoughts as your considered the idea that maybe T'Challa couldn't swim. Was it because he was basically more feline than human?

You were sorely mistaken however as water suddenly erupted right behind you and with a sort of playful growl, T'Challa lunged in your direction and wrapped his arms around you, carrying you bridal style.

"T'Challa!" you gasped in surprise, giggling then after he buried his head into the crook of your neck and nipped at your earlobe.

"Rule number one for cats my kitten, never dump one unexpectedly into the water," he whispered, making you shiver, then proceeded to dive into the lake with you in his arms. You were expecting it of course and were able to escape his grasp, splashing him after he came up for air. The rest of the day was spent with the two of you having fun in the lake, despite what you thought about T'Challa and his potential fear of water due to his catlike nature. In all fairness, he did purr when he curled up next to you so who is to say he couldn't have been afraid of the water?

A/N First T'Challa oneshot! I really loved him in Civil War guys and I just can't help but think he has all these cute cat personality traits to him even though he is an amazing warrior. Please let me know how I did!

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