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It had been a month since you moved to Avengers Tower. You were a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent before and a dear friend of Clint's. After S.H.I.E.L.D. fell and H.Y.D.R.A. made itself known, you went into hiding and went to go live with your family.

Recently, the whole thing with Ultron had you back working with good agents who also used to be part of S.H.I.E.L.D.. After that whole fight, rouge H.Y.D.R.A. agents were going after the leftover S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, which included you.

Not wanting to put your family in danger, you decided not to go back home. Clint immediately asked Tony if you could live at the Tower. You had become pretty friendly with all the Avengers so Tony agreed.

That was a month ago. Now you were moping around because you were homesick. You were laying flat on the couch, face burried into the pillow, singing the song Sandy sang when she missed Texas in that one SpongeBob episode.

Clint walked in to the sound of your muffled singing.

"I wanna waaake up in Texas, I miss those wide, open skies. I miss my twenty acres, Bar-B-Q and pecan pie-e, oh my. Cause when I'm far from you Texas, all I can do is cry. Yodle eh-" you sang miserably.

"(Y/N), are you even from Texas?" Clint asked, looking down at you with his arms crossed.

You lifted your head and squinted at him. "That's classified mister, I may or may not be."

"Alrighty then. J.A.R.V.I.S.? Can you call everyone in here please?" Clint asked the AI.

"Right away, sir," he responded.

One by one, they all filed in. Steve, Bruce, Tony, Natasha and Thor. The Maximoffs were on a trip to Russia, Pepper was in Washington DC and Vision usually kept to himself.

"Ok guys! Look at this. Look at this sadness. She's basically a potato," Clint said with one arm gesturing towards you, just lying face-first on the couch.

"Um, what is wrong with her?" asked Tony.

"She's homesick. She's singing SpongeBob songs about Texas and I don't even know if she's from there! She's just moping around and we need to cheer her up," said the archer, looking at everyone else expectantly.

You made a strange sound from the couch and everyone winced at your sad, potato state.

"Don't worry Lady (Y/N)," Thor said in a gentle tone, coming to sit next to you and pulled you up so you could sit down properly. "I miss Asgard too. It is my beautiful home, filled with wonderful people and joyous holidays. But I'm here instead, and it's alright."

"Gee, thanks Thor. You make Earth sound so wonderful," mumbled Clint.

"It's just, I miss my home but I'm worried more than anything. I don't want anything to happen to my family," you said as Thor put an arm around you and you leaned into him.

"They'll be safe (Y/N), we just need to take your mind off of them," said Steve in a caring tone.

"So what are we gonna do?" asked Bruce, looking a little concerned.

"Well, we can stay in and have a sleepover!" Tony suggested excitedly.

"Stark, we all live here," Natasha pointed out.

"Yes but, what we can do is all sleep in the living room together. We'll get a bunch of blankets and pillows, we'll watch movies and eat snacks and it'll be fun," the billionaire said with a huge smile.

"That actually doesn't sound bad Tony. What do you think (Y/N)?" Clint asked, the whole team turning to look at you. Thor tightened his arm around you in a comforting and supportive manner, awaiting your response. You looked up with a grin.

"I'm in," you said.

"Yes!" Tony cheered and went off to go grab blankets and pillows, dragging Bruce along. Thor got up with Clint to go get snacks from the kitchen and Natasha went to go pick out movies. Steve sat next to you on the couch, looking fondly at the floor.

"You know, when me and Bucky were kids, he'd come over to my house a lot and spend the night sometimes. We'd stay up without my mom knowing , sometimes he'd bring one or two small pieces of candy. We'd build forts in my room and it always cheer me up. Those were the good'ol days," he said with a sigh. You leaned your head against his shoulder and hugged his arm for comfort. Steve had told you about his own secret mission to try and find Bucky. Sam was helping him out and you'd help where ever you could too. Suddenly, Tony came in carrying a massive amount of blankets.

You helped him before he tripped. Bruce came in carrying a stack of pillows too. Clint came in with a bowl of popcorn and a bowl of chips. Thor came in with three boxes of Poptarts and s'mores they had made in the microwave. Nat walked in with an armful of movies to watch.

Between all of you, the blankets and pillows were all set up scattered on the floor. You all had decided to watch all four Jurassic Park/World movies. Between the second and third movie, Tony got bored and wanted to play a game.

"Hide-and-go-seek?" Nat suggested innocently.

"Yes!" you squealed, not having played the game since you were a kid.

Clint rolled his eyes and said "Be warned, Nat always wins."

Bruce was picked to count all the way to 100, giving everyone time to hide. Thor had said he played this all the time as a child back in Asgard with Loki. Steve said the same about him and Bucky and ran off smirking because Bucky could never find him when they did play.

The first one Bruce found was Thor. He had been hiding in the shower and Bruce had heard him because Thor had almost slipped. Next, they found Tony, who was hiding in one of his Iron Man suits in his lab. Next was you. You had been hiding in your closet, on the top shelf. Tony said former S.H.I.E.L.D. agents had an advantage because they were trained to hide in small spaces. The only way they had found you was because you had sneezed when they had entered your room.

Next, Clint. You had recalled last seeing him heading towards the gym. Him being a close friend of yours and all, knew he liked to spend time in the air ducts. You climbed your way up using the metal bars in the ceiling to get to there. Finally, you found Clint and the both of you climbed down. Steve was surprisingly hard to find. It took you all close to fifteen minutes to find him. Eventually, Clint found him in Tony's garage, hiding in the trunk of one of the cars. He somehow managed to fit in one and everyone was very confused.

Finally, Natasha. It took thirty minutes to find her and everyone considered asking J.A.R.V.I.S. where she had hid. Eventually, you found her in a kitchen cabinet, very comfortably snuggled up. After everyone marveled at the fact that she was in there the whole time, you all continued with the movie. Everyone was joking around and laughing but most importantly, you were having a good time.

By the last movie, it was already really late and everyone started to doze off. You all had changed into you pajamas earlier. Thor was only wearing shorts, Tony, Bruce and Clint both had long sleeve t-shirts and pajama pants on, Steve wore a white t-shirt with shorts, Natasha had a tank top on with shorts and you wore one of Clint's baggy t-shirts and sweat pants.

Eventually, you had ended up in the middle of all the sleeping bodies. Bruce was snuggled up by your feet, snoring softly. Tony was cuddled into your left side quite comfortably, a small smile on his face as he held his blanket close. Clint's head was by yours, just above your shoulder as he cradled an extra pillow in his arm. Natasha was on the other side of you head, sleeping on her side with one arm under her pillow. Steve was on your right side, sleeping straight, as if he were still in the military. Thor was sprawled by your right thigh, letting out loud snores. He shifted and his arm ended up on your leg.

You dozed off, happy you had such supportive friends that left you at ease.

A/N Please comment and vote if you liked it! Idk if I'm doing a good job on these or not. Any support I get is much appreciated :)

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