Chapter 48: Selim 's desperation

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Emir reached home, and Reyhan excitedly said, "Emir, look, I got these toys and clothes for Esra. They're so cute, aren't they?" Emir, lost in his thoughts, didn't fully engage with the moment. Sensing his distraction, Reyhan gently leaned on his shoulder and asked, "What happened? You seem tense about something."

Emir, attempting to conceal his inner turmoil, replied, "It's nothing, Reyhan, just office related problems." Reyhan, unconvinced, said, "Are you sure there's nothing serious?" Emir reassured her, "Yes, my love." Reyhan suggested, "Let me prepare coffee for you," and she went to the kitchen, leaving Emir with his thoughts and concerns.

Reyhan returned with a mug of coffee having a warm smile on her face. Emir, grabbed a blanket from the wardrobe and sat on the couch. Gesturing for Reyhan to join him, she smiled blushingly and sat beside him. Emir gently wrapped the blanket around both of them, leaning on Reyhan's shoulder. He inhaled and said, "Reyhan, your fragrance gives me that comfort which I was craving for. Thanks for being my support system."

Reyhan smiled, looked back at him, and said, "I love you, Emir." Emir playfully remarked, "Finally, you're saying that in your full senses, while looking at each other they both chuckled. Emir continued to say, I love you too my sweetheart." Reyhan blushed with her gaze down.

Then she extended towards the coffee mug from the table, and as she sipped, she smiled mischievously. Emir, captivated by her innocence, bit his lips. Then Reyhan extended the mug to Emir, who took it while looking into her eyes. As he sipped, Emir commented, "World's sweetest coffee I have had." Reyhan teasingly said, "Oh, really? let me taste that too." She took the mug from Emir, sipped, and blushingly remarked, "You were right!" They both chuckled.

Then Emir gently wrapped her in his embrace, kissing her head, creating a moment of warmth and intimacy between them.

In a cafe, Selim and Zara sat together. Selim looked serious and said, "I know, Zara, I called you here in a hurry, but it's really urgent." Zara, concerned, asked, "Yes, Selim, what happened?" Selim sighed and explained, "It's about Esra. Actually, I've decided something." Zara, curious, questioned, "What?"

Selim hesitated for a moment before saying, "I've decided that I will give Esra's custody to you." Zara was taken aback, asking, "What?" Selim continued, "Yes, but there's also a problem." Zara pressed, "What problem?" Selim disclosed, "Esra's maternal grandparents have filed a suit against me about Esra's custody, stating that, as a single father, I'm not capable of taking care of Esra alone. So, they want Esra."

Zara, outraged by the situation, said, "What do you mean, they want Esra? Esra is not a thing to fight for. This is totally wrong." Selim, looking troubled, replied, "I totally agree with you, Zara. But they're doing this because I'm a single parent." Zara, expressing her frustration, exclaimed, "This is totally unjustified."

Selim, while pretending to be distressed, gently held Zara's hand and with fake tears, said, "Now you tell me, Zara, what can a single father do in this situation?"

Emir was sleeping on the couch, and Reyhan, noticing his fatigue, gently moved his head onto the cushion from her lap. She smiled warmly and adjusted the blanket over him with care. Just then, a knock came at the door. Reyhan opened it to find Zara standing there.

Zara asked, "Reyhan, is Abi there? I want to talk to him." Reyhan explained, "Actually, he just fell asleep. He was so stressed about his office work. Is something important?" Zara, hesitating, said, "No, no. Let him rest then. I will talk to him later." Reyhan nodded, understanding the need to let Emir rest, and closed the door quietly.

In her room, Zara sat with Esra sleeping peacefully on the bed. Overwhelmed with emotion, tears welled up in Zara's eyes. She gazed at Esra lovingly and whispered, "Esra, my baby, I promise I won't let anyone take you away from me. I will do anything to save you, my little heartbeat."

In the morning, Can entered Cansu's room and said, "Mom?" Cansu smiled warmly and said, "Yes, my dear, come in." Can entered, visibly excited, and exclaimed, "Mom, I have good news for you." Confused, Cansu asked, "Good news? Did you get any promotion?" Can grinned and replied, "No, Mom, it's bigger than anything else for me." Curious, Cansu said, "What? I'm not understanding anything."

Can, with a beaming smile, said, "Mom, Zara..." Cansu's eyes lit up, and she interrupted, "Do you mean our Zara?" Can nodded, and with joy, he announced, "Yes, we got back together again." Cansu's face lit up with happiness, and she exclaimed, "I'm so happy, my son, for both of you. Now go and bring her here soon. This house was incomplete without her."

Here, in her room Zara was getting ready when her phone rang. As she picked up, she heard Selim's voice on the other side. Selim said, "Zara, have you made a decision about Esra? I mean, what should we... I mean, I do next? I'm so upset about all this. I find myself so helpless that I'm not able to do anything for my daughter." Zara tried to reassure him, saying, "Okay, okay, Selim. Don't worry. We will find some way out. Have patience."

However, Selim's desperation grew as he shouted, "We don't have enough time!" Then, he lowered his voice and urgently said, "We don't have much time, Zara. We need to do something very soon."

In the meeting room, Emir was engrossed in explaining project details to others when his phone rang, displaying a call from "Reyhan ❤️." Despite noticing the call, he was too busy to pick up.

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