Chapter 63: Reyhan's bold move

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With tears streaming down her face, Reyhan uttered, "Emir, I'm so sorry that I have to do this. I can't see you hurting and suffering if anything happens to me. So, it's better if I detach myself from this relationship so that you won't feel much pain. I know how much you love me - the man who can arrange a team of doctors on a single scratch on my body. How will he be able to handle that biggest threat in my life? I'm sorry, Emir. I have to do this, for you, for both of us."

With a heavy heart, Reyhan pulled her bags and suitcase with each step, tears streaming down her face. Then she slowly started walking out of the room. As she reached the main door, she turned to look back one last time, a moment of hesitation. However, she continued with heavy steps.

Just as Reyhan took a few more steps, she began feeling dizzy and was about to fall. Suddenly, Emir appeared, swiftly holding her in his arms. Concerned, he said, "Reyhan, what happened? Are you okay?" Attempting to wake her up, Emir lifted Reyhan in his arms, feeling the pain from his stitches. He carefully made her lie on the couch and sprinkled water on her face, worry etched on his face.

Just then, Reyhan opened her eyes and saw Emir. Startled, she quickly stood up, asking, "Emir, what are you doing here?" Emir, equally surprised, responded, "I should ask this question. What are you doing here with these packed bags?"

Reyhan hesitated, "Emir, it's... that..." Emir interrupted, "This time just tell me straight what's going on in your mind. What do you want? Why are you pushing me away? What did I do? Tell me."

Reyhan closed her eyes to gather the courage and firmly said, "Emir, I'm done with everything. Everything between us. I need break. Emir was shocked and said, "What?" Reyhan continued, "I don't want to continue this marriage." Emir, shocked, questioned, "Reyhan, Have you lost it? Are you even thinking before talking this nonsense?" Reyhan responded, "Yes, Emir, you heard it right. I'm tired of... of..." Emir pressed, "Of?" Reyhan uttered, "I'm tired of your love." Emir looked shocked, a moment of disbelief and heartbreak was shown on his face.

Emir, with a mix of frustration and sadness, remarked, "So that's why you decided to pack your bags and leave silently. Wow, Reyhan, that's such an intelligent move. Now, stop talking this nonsense and tell me what actually happened. It's definitely about when Yiğit took you that day.. What happened that day Reyhan, tell me?"

Reyhan, trying to deflect, responded, "It's not that important. The importance is that I don't want to be with you anymore. I can't live with you." Teary-eyed, Emir softly pleaded, "Reyhan, I love you, and you know that. I love you more than myself."

Reyhan, with a heavy heart, admitted, "Yes, Emir, that's the problem. You risked your life for me. Do you even realize that now everyone has burdened me with such expectations where if anything happens to you, I need to do something like this?" Emir, in disbelief, said, "That's not you, Reyhan. That's not you talking. Tell me whose words you're repeating here."

Reyhan, resolute, stated, "I'm not a fool, Emir. I'm saying what I've been observing. I wanted to tell you this for so long, and finally, the moment has come."

Cansu arrived after hearing the noises asked, "What happened? Why are you both shouting so loud?" Emir explained, "She wanted to leave the house without letting anyone know." Cansu turned to Reyhan, questioning, "Reyhan, what is this? Why were you doing all this?"

Reyhan, with a heavy heart, stayed to the point said, "Mom, I can't be with him anymore. I want to be free." Cansu, concerned, urged, "But what happened? Why are you..." Reyhan interrupted, "Mom, it's getting difficult for me. I feel so suffocating."

Cansu tried to reason, "Reyhan, Emir loves you a lot, and I know you love him too. Whatever the thing is, just sort it out by talking and understanding each other. There's no point in leaving." Reyhan, feeling trapped, thought in her mind, "It's getting difficult for me to convince them. Emir, his eyes filled with tears, looking at me, seeking answers. What would I tell him?"

Reyhan quickly said, "Mom, I can't stay in this marriage. I'm done." Cansu, in frustration, forcibly held Reyhan's arm and said, "What did you say?" Reyhan, removing her arm from Cansu's grip, continued, "Mom, you and baba forcefully made me to marry him. I wasn't happy at that time. Nobody asked what I wanted." Cansu, shocked, asked, "Don't you love Emir? What was that when you were crying for him when he left for London?" Reyhan replied, "That was a temporary attraction towards him. There was no love." Cansu, angered by her words, slapped Reyhan in frustration. The slap echoed around.

Emir stepped in between and pleaded, "Mom, please. Don't." Cansu, frustrated, retorted, "Aren't you seeing what she's saying? She deserves more slaps, and then her mind will be in its place."

Emir, still trying to prevent further conflict, urged, "Mom, please." He then turned to Reyhan, tears in his eyes, and said, "You want to leave, right? You don't want to continue this...Okay.. go. Nobody will ask any questions from you." He pointed towards the main door and shouted, "Just leave. Pick up your bags and leave, Miss Reyhan Polat. We are done."

Reyhan looked at him in shock and with a broken heart, feeling the pain in his words. She gathered herself, maintained composure, picked up her bags, and slowly walked out.

As she left, Emir turned back. Cansu noticed blood on his shirt and exclaimed, "Emir, you're bleeding. Let me call Ayşe for help." Heartbroken and already in pain, Emir replied, "This time, my heart is bleeding. Nobody can cure the pain I'm suffering," and moved away, leaving Cansu worried about his well-being.

In his room, Emir walked slowly still having the blood stains on his shirt and sat on the bed. Looking back at the bed, he remembered all the moments he shared with Reyhan in her room. He also looked at the window.. remembered that moment when he climbed that window to meet her. Speaking to himself, he said, "Reyhan, I can't believe you really left. How many dreams I had with you.. I had so many plans for our future. Reyhan, not only you broke my heart.. you broke me completely. You left by saying that you're tired of my love.. How easily you said that.. whatever we had you just finished it in really hurt me this time..Reyhan..You left me with nothing."


Emir was seen in a black, decent suit paired with a black shirt. He appeared noticeably thinner, donning a mustache and square-shaped, frameless spectacles. As he entered a room, a baby girl, around 6 years old, wearing a red frock, smiled and ran towards him.

Emir knelt down, smiling, as the little girl approached. She hugged him tightly, her little arms wrapped around him. Emir looked incredibly happy as the little girl, with a bright smile, said, "Baba." Emir smiled back and replied, "Yes, my little princess."

The little girl said, "Baba, I made a drawing. Please come with me." Emir stood up, and her little hands led him to a table where the drawing was kept. Emir looked at the drawing and picked it up.

The little girl proudly said, "Baba, this is you, me, and Aunt Ayşe." Emir's expressions turned serious upon hearing Ayşe's name. He gently said, "But Esra, she is not our family." Esra innocently smiled at Emir and Emir found himself helpless in front of her innocence.

On the other side, Reyhan was seen in America, sitting in a doctor's office across from the lady doctor. The doctor reassured her, saying, "Reyhan, everything is going well in the treatment. You're doing well. Despite all the challenges you faced during this time, everything seemed so complicated. But you did really well."

Reyhan, with a sad expression, responded, "This disease took everything from me. The pain I faced during these years, I never wanted a life after that." The doctor empathetically said, "I know this time was so difficult for you. As a woman, I can understand your feelings."

Here, Emir and little Esra walked towards the dining table in Tarhun mansion. Ayşe greeted them with a smile, saying, "Welcome to the most adorable father-daughter duo." Esra smiled and hugged Ayşe, while Emir stood at a distance, watching Esra's joyful interaction.

Ayşe approached Emir and said, "Emir bey, your breakfast is ready. Please have a seat." Esra eagerly added, "Yes, let's go, baba." Emir lifted Esra to make her sit on the chair, and Esra noticed the chocolate mousse on the table. Excitedly, she said, "Wow, chocolate mousse." Emir, sharing her excitement, said, "That's looking so yum. Who wants to have it? Baba or Esra?" Esra promptly replied, "First me, then baba." Emir chuckled and playfully fed her the chocolate mousse. Ayşe was softly observing the father - daughter interaction.

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