Chapter 2

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(Song in this Chapter is River Flow In You by Taylor Davis. Please give a listen)

It's been two years since I first arrived in hell. It took me a month but I manage to get a job at a restaurant that offers a living room. Once I played for them they knew I would bring in customers.

Once word got to hell about my talent it's been busy every weekend, people from all over hell would come and listen to me play.

Without my dad to worry about I was able to enjoy playing again. Putting all I got into each song I played.

Even Overlords would come by and see me play. At first the manger warn me to not screw up but that wasn't the problem. Apparently if they didn't like it they would look the performer.

That what happened  to the last one.

I'm now playing my most played song by the crowd. This song just gives people peace.

Of course with being gifted there is your fans. After your show you would sign autographs and get cat called. Thankfully the managers son Sky is a great security. Kicking out all those perverts.

As I'm in my dressing room putting away my violin I get a knock on my door. When I answer it there was this strange TV man talking to Sky.

"You fucking listen to me. Let me see her and you will be..."he didn't finish as his eyes land on me.

"Why aren't you the famous Y/N. You made such a title for yourself." He smirks down at me as he gives me a single rose.

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Vox and I'm the top V at V's towers" he says like a pompous jerk. So  is one of the V's?

"Thank you for the rose and it's nice to meet you" I bow to head slightly as I thank him. Mom always says to have too manners.

"Glad I saw you first before the rest. Fucking bastards." He cursed as I look at him questioning what he means?

"You will see beautiful. Looks like your music got the hearts of more than one overlord." He smirks at me and leaves.

Closing the door my heart starts to panic. The feeling of losing my freedom again makes me scared. I heard those Overlords will stop at nothing to get what they want. They would use and abuse them as the pleased. I can't go through that again.

As I quickly get changed, grab my violin and just when I'm about to leave my boss gives me some letters.

"These are from one Overlords that was here tonight to watch you perform. And here is your cut." He hands me my pay then I leave.

I'm afraid to even read them but I know I have to. I have to know who I'm dealing with.

As I'm in my room at home I read all the letters. One was super dark with graphic examples, one that just wants to own me. Fuck I can't read anymore.

I pace in my room as I think. I need some type of help. Maybe to lay low for a little. I can't lose my freedom.

I then see the flyer I go from the streets. Curious I pick it up and read it?

Happy Hotel? Rehabilitate? Free room? Princess of hell?

So the princess of hell runs this hotel? Maybe she can help me? It's the only thing I can think of.

I quickly pack my bag and my violin. This time I'm gonna fight to keep my freedom.

I won't be owed again.

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