Chapter 9

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Charlie POV

"This is amazing! That was so beautiful!" I jump in excitement as I walk toward my dad.

I noticed how he looked at Y/N. It's the same look he had when mom was around. It's been awhile since I've seen him like this.

When my parents split up I was heart broken. Mostly my dad wouldn't leave his room for two weeks.

Maybe...Y/N is what her needs...


After I put my violin away I see Angel walking up to me. A huge smile on his face.

"That was wonderful! Man that light thingy was amazing!" He says excitedly.

"Actually I wanted to talk to you Angel." I turn to looo at him. "Do you any females that can sing? And makes that can sing?"

"Shit I know two people for the job. One is your truly" he says as he poses. "And my gal Cherri. Come by the hotel and we can do a show for ya~"he explains sexy and I just laugh.

"My, I have to say that quite entertaining..." Alastor comes up behind me with usual smile on his face.

Man this guy just likes to pop out of nowhere! He's gonna give me a heart attack.

"T..Thank You for watching my play." I say smiling nervously.

Thankfully he walks back to the groups. Oh this man scares me.

After Charlie and her friends leave I sigh in relief. Man after I performed I started to feel weak.

Lucifer must have noticed and sat me down to the nearest chair in the living room.

"Easy there...that must have drained you." He looks at me with concern. "That happened to me first time i formed my demonic side. Haha yeah i killed three people but that happens"

I just giggle at that as I rub my head. Looking up, Lucifer snap his fingers and gives me a cup of water.

"You will gain control of your power." He smiles at me with care.

My heart beats a little when she smiled like that. It's been awhile since someone cared for me, even if it's just giving me water.

"I uh..if you like...I" He says rubbing his arm as he blushes. "I mean sure I get busy but I'll always have time to help you. I mean I want you to master your power and who else knows that but me and..." he starts to ramble as I can tell he's really nervous.

I just start to laugh cause he's so dorky. It's adorable. I smile up as him brightly.

"I would be honored by the king himself to help me learn" I slightly bow my head and he snickers at that.

Lucifer's POV

Worried about her strength I walk Y/N to her room. As we walk I glance at her, my heart feeling warm. It's been a joy having her stay with me.

I do feel bad that she miss performing. Thinking of that, I should host a ball! So she can play!

I will just have keep an extra eye on her if I do. Knowing some of the overlords will try something. As long as has to deal she would be okay

I don't want any of those fuckers to take her from me. The idea just makes me so fucking mad!

"Oh Lucifer...your demon form is showing" Y/N says in a worried voice.

Shit shit she wasn't suppose to see that! Fuck me fuck me!

Suddenly she pulls me in a hug, holding me close to her. I then start to calm down, enjoying the warmth of her hug.

She pulls back and smiles down at me.

"Do you  feel better??" She asks as her hands are in my shoulders.

" good" that's all I mange to say as I look up at her. My heart beating so fast.

"Great...well..this is me... goodnight." She says as she opens her bedroom door. Waving at me before she close the door.

Leaning against the wall I slide down to the ground. My face completely red as I cup my face with face hands.

Fuck...I think I'm falling for Y/N...

The King's Violinist (Lucifer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now