Chapter 10

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After a few hours of practicing Lucifer suggested we take a break. So it's been a few days since I started to practice using my powers. I notice after I play I need to drink something. It just helps my recovery a little faster.

"Let's rest for today" Lucifer says as he snaps his fingers and hands me a cup of tea.

He's been such a huge help with teaching me. It's strange when I'm around him my heart beats fast and I notice me blushing little more.

"Do you play?" I ask him as I drink my tea

"Yeah I mean I okay twister, Yahtzee, poker..." he continues and I just laugh-

"No, no I mean do you play an instrument." I smile as I see him turning red with embarrassment.

"Oh I uh..I know that! I was testing you yeah.."he quickly say as he leans against nothing and falls backwards.

I just laugh even more. Man he's so cute when he's like this.

"I play a little of violin too...haven't played in a long time" he says as the starts to get up, dusting himself off.

"Well one day when you're ready I hope I can hear it" I smile softly at him.

"Oh yeah...well I should get back to work. Just touch the mark on your wrist if you need me..."he says as he walks away.

Smiling to myself I think about how I want to give him something to let him know ow I appreciate everything he's doing for me.

When I first made the deal with me I thought I was gonna be like a maid or something. Part of me is still worried what the favor will be once he ask me.

Shaking that thought out of my head I decided to explore the mansion more, maybe going to the gardens will clear my mind.

Lucifer's POV

In my office I'm sending out invites for the ball. This is make Y/N happy. That all I want her to be.

Smiling a lovesick smile my mind starts to day dream about her. Us just dancing at the ball, her wearing a beautiful black dress that suits her body perfectly.

I then snap out of it as little amount of drool comes out of my mouth. Wiping the drool off I shake my head. Focus! I'm a king after all!

My eyes glade to the window that over looks the garden. I see Y/N exploring the garden with amazement in her eyes.

The roses are in bloom right now. Perfect to look at them. Hell the was her eyes sparkle is takes my breath away.

She just makes the simplest things bigger. Smiling at her from my window my hearts starts to beat again. My mind wondering what it would mean like to kiss her...

Ahhh! Stop thinking that!

I grip my head and I groan so loud. Ugh! I just can't help myself! Fuck!

I then just open the windows and jump out. My wings spread out so that land safely. Y/n must if heard my wings flapping cause she looks up at me with amazement.

She never seen my wings like this. As I land on the ground I take off my hat and blush.

"I uh needed a break and...I...the roses need to be watered!" I snap my fingers and a water can lands In my hands.

Y/N just smiles down at me and suddenly let take my hand. She's holding my hand...she's holding my hand!

I'm probably smiling like a flood but don't give a fuck.

"How about we walk in the garden together. Would love to hear one of your stories" she smiles more at me and j just melt right there.

Fuck what is this woman doing to me?!

The King's Violinist (Lucifer x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora