Chapter 37

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I'm now at the last few weeks of my pregnancy and I'm really ready for this baby to arrive. The backaches and hungry is not kinda starting to annoy me.

Charlie and Lucifer been helping me 24/7. It's been really sweet but every groan I make from the baby kicking that think the baby is coming.

Like yesterday when I only told them I was feeling a slight contraction Lucifer started to run like a chicken without its head, leading Him to trip and falling flat on his face.

"So I go you's suppose to help your back" Angel Dust says as he takes out a band new purple duck squishmallow.

"Oh Angel I love it!" I say as he helps me put it behind me. When I oh down it feels like I'm on a cloud.

"Hey anything to help you out...I also got you some raspberry drink...some broads says it helps induce labor" he hands me it but I'm kinda skeptical about it.

"I will keep this just incase. I really appreciate it" I smile at him.

After his soul was back he become a full time employee at the hotel. He's now really trying to give the redemption thing a chance.

"Nah do t worry about it. Oh I also got some magazines of dresses! Think we can take a look" he says as he excitedly hands me some magazines.

He's been the most excited about it since I told him to help me plan it. Taking his job seriously he made all the people for it come to me and then yell at them if he thinks they are ripping us off.

As we start to look at the dresses, saving the ones that I like I start to feel weird.

Like a pop I feel a pool flowing between my legs and I gasp loud. Angel then looks at me and place his hands on my shoulders. Seeing my look he then rush to the door.


Lucifer POV

7 hours

7 fucking hours and Y/N is still in pain. They gave her an epidural, iv but still no progress.

Fuck I forgot how this part was the most fucking nerve wreaking. Charlie and I are waiting on the living room as the doctors and nurses are with Y/N

"Don't tell me you two are fucking wearing those." Angel Dust points to the shirt I got for the family.

Yellow duck shirts that says " daddy duck" and. "Sister duck" i gave the nurses the other two and made sure they will put the shirt in them after everything calms down.

"Hey it took a lot of time for me to make these shirts" I say as I ice back and forth.

"Yeah I think it's cute..he even made one for you" Charlie holes up a "uncle duck" shirt.

What feels feel like another 6 hours a doctor comes in and we all stand up.

"Mother and baby are fine. It was a long one but both of them are fine and healthy." The doctor looks at me. " are you ready to meet your son?"

Trying to told back the tears I simple nod and follow the doctor with Charlie behind me. The walk to her room felt like a long hike. My heart beating fast with excitement.

As the open the doors we walk in and there it was. My sweet symphony holding our son. Her hair a mess, looks tired but to me she's the most beautiful woman in that moment.

She looks up at me and smiles. Her eyes telling me to come closer. I walk next to her and I gasp at the sight.

This little baby had my eyes, her hair and my skin tone. He does a little yawn that was so cute I then cry tears of streams down my face.

" your son. Hunter Morningstar.." Y/N says tiredly as she hands me my son.

Hold my son brought me flashbacks of me holding Charlie for the first time. My heart filled with joy as I stare at this little baby.

Charlie look at him behind me and she's just in awe. She giggles and jumps behind me as she waits for her turn.

"Shall I take a picture?" One of the nurses ask.

Y/N nods and I snap my fingers. The family shirts on them.

As she takes the picture as all just smile with so much joy.

Mommy duck, daddy duck, sister duck and baby duck.

That moment I felt like my family is complete.

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