{ Aria }

"We're gonna scare him to death." I look at my brother, Stiles, as we were on my boyfriend's, Scott, roof. My best friend Joselynn who was Stiles's girlfriend was with us.

"Oh well." He shrugs with his signature smug smile.

I smile shaking my head as Joselynn leans over the side to look in the window.

"Okay, he's coming." She looks at the both of us.

We get in position laying back on the roof so we could fall back like a couple of possums. Once we hear the door open we fall back causing Scott to scream then us. I then giggle.

"Hey, Scott."

"Jesus Christ, Stiles. Hello, Joselynn. Hello, my beautiful darling." He plants a soft kiss to my lips.

"Tell him why we're here." Joselynn looks at Stiles.

"Oh yeah. So the whole entire town's police officers got called in. There was a murder; it was a girl in her mid 20's." All three of us jump off the roof.

"Yeah, we came to get you. We're going." I smile at him.

"Why though? Doesn't the police have this under control?"

"Well I'm sure they do, we just wanna go." Joselynn shrugs.

"Will your dad kill us?" He looks between Stiles and I.

"He doesn't have to know you and Joselynn are there. You guys can hide if we get caught." Stiles nods. " Anymore questions, Mr. Protective?"

"Are you okay with this?" He takes my hands.

"Jesus Christ, Scott. We'll be fine." I roll my eyes playfully. "Now, c'mon."

{ Joselynn }

"C'mon, Stiles." We hear Scott breathe. "Maybe the one with asthma should have the flashlight."

"You'll live my friend." Stiles chuckles.

"I'll stay behind so you can take your inhaler." The foot steps behind Stiles and I stop.

"Maybe you should stop with them, Sti." I place my hand on his arm.

"Okay, okay." He stops. "You're not scared, are you?"

"No, I just don't want them to get hurt or whatever. The murderer could be out there. You never know, Stiles." I shrug looking at him.

"Okay fine. You're right."

So we stand there looking at Scott and Aria as he takes his inhaler.

"Could you be any slower, Scot?" Stiles rolls his head back.

"You try having asthma." Aria snaps at him.

"Hey, hey let's calm down." Stiles waves his hands around.

"Who's out there?" We hear a voice. A voice that sounded like their dad.

"Hide." Stiles looks at me and Scott.

"I'm staying with Scott. He can't freakin breathe, Stiles." Aria snaps again.

"He knows you'd be with me, Ari." He snaps.

"Tell him I was feeling well." She hides behind a tree with Scott.

"You hide with them." He kisses my forehead before walking over to his dad. "Dad, hi."

"Well, Stiles. When will you and Aria stop listening to my stories?"

"We don't listen to the boring ones."

"Where is Aria? Your sister in crime. I know you're out there, Aria!" He flashes the light towards our tree.

"Shit." Aria breathes.

"Shh." Scott places his finger over her lips.

"How about your partner in crime? Scott!"

We all three breathe out slowly.

"And your girlfriend. Joselynn!"

"They're not there, dad. Just me. I swear, Ari isn't feeling well."

"Well, I'm gonna have a little talk with you about leaving other's people business alone. In the car." His dad places his arm around him taking him away.

"Phew. That could've gone worse. My dad could've come over looking for us." Aria looks between us. "Let's go." She gets up both of us getting up following her.

{ Scott }

We were walking in the woods back home kicking leaves ever so often. Aria grabs my arm looking behind us along with Joselynn. Soon enough there was a herd of bucks running towards us causing us to fall to the ground.

"Ow! Crap!" Joselynn cries it.

Soon enough they were done and we look around at each other. We then get up and I notice I lost my inhaler.

"Aria, I lost my inhaler." I look at the ground.

She goes to bend down but we hear a growl causing us to look up slowly. We all look over seeing a jet black wolf. It howls. It starts running towards us and of course we didn't know what to do. I just begin to move around for my inhaler and I was kinda away from them.

"Scott!" Aria runs towards me before I see the wolf then she hits the ground crying out in pain. Joselynn then run over to Aria who also winces standing there. I then get the wince of pain before it runs off.

"Aria, darling. Aria, please be okay." I pull her close to me.

"Her pant leg at her calf is covered in blood, Scott." Joselynn looks at me.

I wince as I help her up and we soon enough stumble to the road. Not even noticing the on coming car. We all cover our eyes as it swerves around us then I pull my jacket and shirt up. A bite.

Joselynn did the same and she had one on her waist too.

I bend down to Aria's leg and pull her pant leg up slightly. She was bit pretty bad too. She let out a soft sob.

"What's gonna happen to us? My dad's gonna kill me. He's gonna kill Stiles for lying and then he's gonna kill me for hiding. God I'm so stupid."

"Hey, shh. It's gonna be okay." I lean up kissing her forehead. "Let's get all cleaned up, okay?" I look between her and Joselynn.

They both nod looking at me, "Okay."



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