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{ Aria }

I was in the middle of a dream until I heard a howl causing me to toss and turn. I hear it again then shoot up gasping for a breath. I hear once more causing me to wipe my face of sweat and get out of my bed. I throw on my converse then head outside quietly.

Grabbing a spare key of Stiles's I had hidden outside. I take it going over to his jeep then unlocking it and getting inside. I start it up, hating it had so much noise then quickly pull off. Listening in on for the howl again.

I park a good distance away before sneaking up behind a wall. I see Allison's dad and a woman standing with him.

"How long do you think he has?"

"I'd give home about 48 hours." she shrugs with a nod.

I knit my brows. 48 hours. For what? Better yet...who has 48 hours? 48 hours until what? Death? I lean against the wall trying to take some weight off when I smell something. Blood. To add with it I hear grunting.

I knit my brows before following the sound to see someone in the distance sitting against the wall. I hid behind a dumpster seeing that it was Derek. Was it Derek that had 48 hours? I sit back causing a little noise which I regretted.


I felt something drop down onto my shoulder causing me to look up slowly. I see the same wolf that attacked me, Scott and Joselynn. Which only made my eyes go wide.

"Derek." I whisper, thinking that it's him. Oh but no...I was wrong.

"Aria, don't move." he says slowly.

"I'm not that stupid."

It jumps down trying to land in front of me but I get up seeing Derek. I grab his hand after seeing his arm and pull him with me.

"How'd you get here?!" he gets by my side.

"I took Stiles's jeep. It's parked down there. I didn't want Allison's father or that woman to see it."

"Woman?" he almost falls but I catch him.

"Yeah, she...she had red hair. Young. I'm pretty sure I heard the term brother used from her."

"That's Kate Argent." Derek shakes his head as I fumble to unlock the door. I finally get it and he throws himself into the jeep while I run to the other side. Once we were inside with all the doors locked I just roll my head back on the seat. Just thinking.

"What's wrong?" he takes a breath.

I take in a shaky breath, "Why is everything trying to hurt me?"

"Just...just be happy he didn't scratch you."

"What was it?" I look at him just as we hear something jump on the jeep. "Oh my god! Stiles is gonna kill me!" I start freaking out and just start the jeep to drive. "What the hell? We aren't moving. Not good. Not good."

{ Stiles }

I woke up with a little time before I had to leave for school and happily Joss stayed last night. I kiss her nose as she was sleeping peacefully. Of course, that was until I kissed her nose.

"Good morning, beautiful." I smile, pecking her forehead.

"What's good about it when we have school?" she laughs causing me to shake my head.

"That I do not know."

"The first thing Stiles Stilinski doesn't know." she gasps. "I'm surprised."

"Shh." I laugh placing my finger over my lips. "Don't be surprised. I'm not the smartest guy on earth."

"You are in my world." she moved my finger and kisses me. I laugh, rolling over onto my back where she put her chin on my chest looking at me.

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