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{ Stiles }

I threw myself back into my bed with Joselynn as we kissed. She threw my shirt over my head letting her hands move around as she kissed me.

It has been days since the conference and well...you see how our relationship is going right now. And I don't even care if it's the full moon that's coming up. At least I've gotten this far.

Well, it was gonna be far until we hear a scream I knew to well. A scream that belonged to my little sister.

"Aria." I scramble to get off the bed and run downstairs. "What happened?!"

"He...he was there. Right there."

"What was there?" Joselynn joined me.

"The...Alpha." she looks over at the window. "He drew that." she points.

"This spiral?" I walk over to it.

"Yeah." she nods. "That spiral."


{ Aria }

"Stay away from Allison. Stay away from Allison."

"Do you hear that?" I look around the hallway.

"It's Scott." Joselynn nods. "Where's Stiles?"

"In class."

"Stay away from Jackson."

He was closer that time. I turn a corner and smile.

"Hey, Scott."

He quickly turns with a groan, "Oh c'mon!"

Lydia comes by me, leaving me in the middle of her and Joselynn.

"What's wrong with him?"

"I honestly have no clue." I shrug my shoulders.

We walked into our English which is a class we don't have with the boys.

"Stiles is pissed at Scott though. Like really pissed." I sit down in a seat which Joss sits behind me.

"For what happened at the conferences, right?"

"Right." I get out my English binder copying down the notes that were on the board.

"Oh hey, you're looking like way better today. What'd you do?"

"I just...I spent more time with dad and knew I wouldn't hurt him." I turn around and smile.

"That's good." she returns the smile. "That's really good."

"Good morning, students. Everyone copy down the notes then we'll get started."

{ Stiles }

"So, he wants you to tap into your animal side and get angry?"

"Yeah." Scott mumbles.

"Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but every time you go to do that you always go to attack someone. That someone's usually me."

"No! That's what he means he says he doesn't know if he can teach me. I have to be able to control it."

"Well, how's he gonna teach you to do that?"

"I don't know." he shrugs. "I don't think he does either."

"When're you seeing him again?"

"He told me to just not talk about it, just act normal...get through the day."

I stop him turning him to face me, "When?"

"He's picking me up at the animal clinic after work."

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