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{ Stiles }

"No, I'm not just letting you leave them here." I look down at Lydia then at my sister who couldn't fight to keep her eyes open anymore.

"You don't have a choice, Stiles." he was cleaning himself off with a napkin. "You're coming with me."

"Just kill me, look I don't care anymore!" I watch as he walks over to me. He places his finger under my chin forcing me up.

"Call your friends, tell Jackson where they are. That's all you get."

After I made sure Jackson got Lydia and I managed to pick up Aria in my grasp after Jackson kept continuously questioning me about her. I just let him now she was gonna be okay, that I would make sure she'd get help.

Peter, Aria and I were now in my jeep, well Aria was in the back still unconscious, but we were all in the jeep. I let out a heavy breath as I continue driving down the road. I would glance back in the back seat a few times to see if she was awake.

"Don't fell bad. If she lives she'll just be stronger, and more into my pack, but that's nothing for you to worry about. She'll be incredibly powerful."

"Yeah, until she can't fricking control it again and tries to tear me apart once a month." my voice was shaky as I paid attention to the road again.

"Well, actually considering she's a woman, it'd be twice a month."

I just slowly looked at him, giving him the most shut the hell up look I had. Finally, what felt like forever, we got the destination we were trying to get to. I look back at Aria who was still unconscious, so at look at Peter.

"I'm not leaving her in here."

"What do you want me to do? She's still unconscious."

"I'm not going." I face back forward. I suddenly hear an ear piercing scream causing me to plug my ears up. I look behind me to see he had both his hands around her shoulder as he squeezed it. "What the hell?!" I look at him.

"You're going." he looks at me sternly before getting out. He opens the back of my jeep before I even get out. I hurry back there then help Aria myself before he does. He suddenly grips my shirt pulling me away towards somewhere. I roll my eyes but make sure Aria stays balanced at the same time.

When she makes it over here, we both look at him as he opened the trunk to a car.

"Who's c-car?" Aria mumbles as she kept her hand hovered over her shoulder.

"Belonged to my nurse. Please, Stiles, rip your shirt and cover that up for her."

"You caused it! Why don't you do it?!" I exclaim.

"St-Stiles, just lis-listen." she mumbles again as she leans against me.

"Wait- what happened to your nu- OH MY GOD!" I scream as a big piece of my shirt rips.

"I got better." Peter slams the trunk shut.

{ Aria }

"Everybody's gonna help because it saves people they love. For instance, Scott will because it saves his two lovely A's." Peter smirks over at me. "And you will because it'll save Scott." he looks at Stiles. "Oh, yes, it also saves that other lovely girl. Joselynn?"

"Don't touch her." Stiles hits the keys of the computer a little harder.

"Stiles, I've already bitten her."

Stiles goes to do something, but I weakly stop him. Him just knowing my hands were placed on him for a reason made him stop.

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