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{ Aria }

"Joss, what the hell are we doing?" I shake my head as she guides me through the woods.

"You'll find out."

"Really now? Because a certain dad of mine -which would be the sheriff- is in a constant freak out since what had happened at the school. Now, what're we doing?"

"Well, when you're best friend dumps their boyfriend, right? You did dump him?"

"Yes, I dumped him." I nod while crossing my arms. "Continue."

"Well, anyways, when you're best friend dumps their boyfriend you...get them drunk." she holds up a bottle of Jack Daniel's.

I sat on a rock as she laid down after plopping the bottle of half drank alcohol on the ground.

"He's just one guy. One stupid pathetic low life cheating guy. There's...there's so many other guys-" she hiccups. "In the sea."

"Fish in the sea, Joss."

"Fish? Why the hell are you talking about fish? I'm talking about guys." she sighs. "I love guys. I love love love love them. Especially ones with brown buzzed cut hair, chocolate brown eyes, 5'3."

"Like Stiles?" I question.

"Yeah, exactly." she gets a voice creak while looking at me. "Hey, how did you know I was talking about, about, about..." she breaks out into a smile. "What was I talking about?"

She plops her arms down the smacks my leg, "You're not happy. Take a drink." she leans over to the bottle.

"I don't want anymore." I shake my head.

She lays back down, "You're not drunk?"

"I'm not anything." I shake my head.

"Maybe, maybe it's like -well shit you still have panic attacks- um, well maybe, maybe it's like some of us can't get drunk. You know some werewolves. Maybe some can't get drunk. And you're part of that percentage. Maybe, as a- am I drunk?"

"You're wasted." I shake my head.

"Yeeaaaahhhh!" she breaks into a smile while throwing her fist up. "Awe, c'mon frand, I know it's bad. I know it hurts, wait, I don't because Stiles and I haven't broken up." she chuckles. "I know this! I know that as much as being broken up hurts. Wait, I'm not alone." she laughs. "Dammit. Hey, Greenberg knows how it's like to be alone. Maybe it's worse."

I look down at her with a confused look.

She smiles, "That didn't make any sense. C'mon drink." she goes to grab it but someone else does. I snap my head around to see an African American and a white man.

"Well, look at the two little bitches getting they drink on."

"Haha, funny because they're girls. Bitches, girls." the white man tries making a joke.

"Shut the hell up." I sneer.

"Ooooh. This one's feisty." the African American grabs at my wrist. I bring my other hand around and punch him in the jaw.

"Don't touch me. Give the bottle back."

"What was that, little girl?" he looks at me sternly.

"I think she wants a drink." the white man chuckles.

"I want the bottle."

"Aria, maybe we should just go." Joss sits up.

"You brought me here to get me drunk, Joss. I'm not drunk yet."

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