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{ Stiles }

I was getting all my gear for Lacrosse. My pads, jersey, pants and pole. Once I got dressed and all I begin walking towards the door. As I did so I saw Scott leaning against his cubby hole locker.

"Did you apologize to Allison?" I lean against the shelf.


"Is she giving you a second chance?"


"Alright! Then everything's great! Okay!" I begin to walk away.


That stops me. I slowly back up to look at Scott again.


"You remember the hunters? Her dad is frickin one."

"Allison's dad?"

"Shot us."

"Her dad?"

"With a crossbow."

"Her father!"

"Yes, Stiles, her father! He's gonna kill us. Oh god."

"Does she know about him?"

"I dunno, oh god." He closes his eyes.

"Did..did he recognize you?"

"No...no, I don't think so."

"Just, dude, focus on Lacrosse. Lacrosse."

"Lacrosse." He nods.

"Take this, this and this." I stuff all of his hear in his hands. "And meet me outside."

He nods as I make my way outside and sit down on the bench waiting for Scott to appear. I look at the bleachers, spotting Joselynn and Aria. Both give me a warming smile. I smile back then look over seeing Scott make his way over.

"They're gonna kill us."

"Dude, what did I say?"


"Thank you." I look at the field. Coach yelled at everyone telling them to get on the field.

"Jackson, long pole today!"

Jackson nods dropping his short pole then picking up the long one. We need a game run through before we got to the good part. Running past Jackson to get the ball in the goal.

"McCall! McCall!"

Scott shook his head before paying attention. He runs towards Jackson and sadly Jackson knocks him over.

"Oooh, Scott." I look at him. Jackson hit him pretty hard which I'm sure made Scott mad. Scott made his up to his feet exchanging a few word with the coach before jogging back to the line.

"McCall's gonna do it again! McCall's gonna do it again!"

"You've got it, Scott! You can do it!" Aria says from the bleachers.

Scott runs faster this time colliding directly with Jackson. Only...Jackson was the that got hurt this time. While the team ran to him I ran to Scott placing my hand on his back.

"Scott, buddy, you okay?"

"It's happening, Stiles. I can't control it." He groans.

"What? Right...right now? Right here?"


I help him scramble to his feet then take him off the field to the locker room. I get down in front of him looking at him.

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