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{ Aria }

It was now that night and Stiles and I were currently with our dad as we are some curly fries. Yes, curly fries.

"Oh my god." I moan as I bite into one.

"Hey, only I'm allowed to moan with curly fries." Stiles huffs.

"Did I get curly fries?" dad looks between us.

"Father, dear, father, you're not suppose to eat fries." I look at him.

"Especially the curly kind." Stiles looks through the bag.

"I am carrying a lethal weapon. If I want the curly fries I get the curly fries." he looks between us.

"Unit 1, do you copy?" his radio suddenly went off.

Stiles and I both go to grab it causing dad to smack both of our hands with a cough. We look at him as we slowly pull our hands back.

"Sorry." we mumble.

I take a bite of my burger while Stiles places curly fries into his mouth.

"Unit 1, copy." dad says into his radio.

"We have a possible 187."

Stiles and I snap our heads over with food in our mouths, "A murder?!"

Dad pulls off from the burger joint to go towards the movie rental store. Once we were there we began to get out but dad yelled.

"No, stay!"

We flinch before he gets out leaving us there watching what we want to explore. I look around the parking lot to see Lydia and Jackson at an ambulance.

"Lydia?" I look over at Stiles.

Stiles and I both stand out of the car to hear and see Jackson screaming at our father.

"FOR A RANDOM REMEDY COP LIKE YOURSELF!" was all we heard. I breathe out deeply which causes Stiles to grip my hand.

"Whoa! Is that a dead body?!" Stiles and I look over.

Dad gives us a disapproving look causing us to slowly get back down into the car.

"We've seriously gotta stop that." Stiles laughs. "We sound so ridiculous."

"Everyone knows us so they should understand." I reply with a giggle.

{ Scott }

"You know, I have a life too." I follow Derek into his house.

"No you don't." he walks up his stairs.

"Yes I do!" I protest. "I don't care what you say about him making me his pet or...-"

"-Part of his pack."

"Whatever. I have homework to do. I have to go to a parent/teacher conference tomorrow because I'm failing chemistry!"

"You wanna do homework or do you wanna not die? Scott, you have less than a week till the full moon. If you don't kill with him he'll kill you plus the two that for in his way that night."

"Okay, seriously, who made up these rules?!"

"Its not rules. It's a right passage into his pack."

"You know what else is a right of passage? Graduating from high school! And, guess what, Derek, FYI, you don't have to kill anybody to do it! Why can't you just find him yourself? Why can't you just sniff him out when he's a human?"

"Because his human scent could be entirely different! It has to be you! You have a connection with him...a link that you can't understand. If I can teach you...I'll even teach all of you...to control your abilities, you, Scott can find him."

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