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{ Aria }

"I swear if you ever scare me like that again!" I push him against the chalkboard after we got ourselves in a classroom. "Don't ever do that again! I don't care if you're trying to protect someone! Never ever do that again, Stiles Stilinski! Ever!"

"I get it! I get it! I'm sorry!" he holds his hands up.

"Guys, if you haven't remembered Deaton is out there looking for us." Joselynn whisper shouts.

"What? It can't be him!" Scott exclaims.

"Get over it, Scott!" I turn around. "Deaton killed Derek. Deaton is the Alpha!"

"He can't be! Derek's not dead!"

"I don't know what you categorize blood spurting out of the mouth is, but I categorize it as death. That's not a minor injury, Scott. We're next."

"Uh, Stiles, what's wrong with your jeep?" Joselynn was looking out of the window.

"What?" Stiles walks over as I look over.

"It's bent." she tilts her head slowly.

"Do you mean dented?" Scott walks over this time. I was just standing there between the desks and teacher's desk.

"No, I mean bent." she points as Stiles approaches.

"What the hell?" he breathes

The window suddenly clashes and I see something fly through the air causing me to scream as did Joss. I slid onto the floor between the rows of student desks. After everything went silent I turn over on my back while sitting up.

"Stiles, isn't that your battery?" Joss whispers.

"That's my battery. Wait, where'd Ari go?"

"Here." I raise my hand.

"He could be right outside." Joss whispers.

"He is right outside." Stiles whispers back.

"Just let me take a look." Scott whispers.

"I feel rather left out." I crawl to the front of the row I slid in.

"Hey, are you okay?" Joss crawls over to me.

I nod, "For now anyways."

"You guys we need to go somewhere with windows that open." Scott stands up.

"Um, the boys' locker room." I stand up. "One was open the night that you attacked me. It was cracked." I help Joss up knowing that made him uncomfortable which made me not look at him.

"Good idea. Let's go." Stiles nods as we all make our way out of the classroom.

{ Stiles }

"Call your dad." Scott looks at me as we enter the locker room.

"And tell him what?"

"Anything. That there's a gas leak, fire, whatever. If that thing sees a parking lot full of cop cars, it'll take off."

"What if doesn't, Scott?! What if it goes completely terminator and kills every cop in sight! Including our dad!" Aria snaps at him.

"They have guns!"

"Yeah, but Derek had to be shot with a wolfsbane bullet to at least even slow him down. Do you remember that?" Joss looks at him more calmly

"Then we have to...get out of here and run for it."

"Good luck. There's nothing within the school for about a mile." Aria crosses her arms.

"What about Derek's car?" Joss suggests.

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