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{ Scott }

We were in chemistry now and I just stare at the floor thinking about the bus. That's all I could think about. After I had that dream about Allison...it's the only thing I could think about. I come up with something and look back at Stiles.

"Maybe it was my blood on the door." I whisper.

"Coulda been animal blood." he shrugs dropping his hand on his notebook. "Ya know you coulda caught a rabbit or something."

"Harris...9 o clock." I hear Joss from across the room but didn't care enough to pay attention.

"And did what?" I knit my brows.

"Ate it." he answers with no emotion.

"Raw?" I whine.

"No, you stopped to bake it in a little werewolf oven. I dunno, you're the one that can't remember anything." he gestures his hand to me. I sigh looking back down at the floor only to hear Mr. Harris's voice.

"Mr. Stilinski, if that's your idea of a hushed whisper you might wanna pull the head phones out every once in awhile."

Stiles scoffs as I turn around.

"I think you and Mr. McCall would benefit from a little distance, yes?"

"No." Stiles answers bluntly.

Harris points at me then to another seat across the room. I quickly gather my things to move across the room away from my best friend.

"Let me know if the separation anxiety gets to be to much."

Stiles lets out a small laugh as I puff out my cheeks to sit by some girl but in front of Jackson. He was just giving me an intense death glare that made me very uncomfortable.

"Hey, I think they found something!" the girl gets up randomly causing all of us to go towards the window. We all get over to the window to see the paramedics rolling a dead body to the ambulance. I look at Stiles frightened while Joss inspects.

"It's not a rabbit."

The body randomly jumps up screaming causing the rest of the class to scream. I slowly back up away from the class while Stiles and Joss approach me.

"This is good. This is good." Stiles quickly says.

"He got up. He's not dead." Joss tries with Stiles. "Dead guys can't do that."

"Guys." I breathe a little heavily. "I did that."

{ Stiles }

Lunch. Good part of the day. Unless you're a stressed freaked out werewolf who thinks he killed somebody. I rush to get beside Scott to talk about his dream he had while Joss was waiting for us at the table.

"But dreams aren't memories." I shrug at Scott as I sit down beside Joselynn.

"But it wasn't a dream, Stiles. It actually happened!" he sits across me then looks beside him. I sigh out a sad sigh.

"This doesn't feel right." I speak for him.

"We've never had a lunch where one of us were gone." Joselynn props up on her elbow.

"Well, something happened last night but I can't remember what." Scott ignores it and looks at me.

"What even makes you so sure that Derek has all the answers?" I drop my food I was about to eat.

"Because, during the full moon he wasn't changed. He was in total control. But you have me where I was running around in the night attacking some totally innocent plus I attacked your sister. I don't even think she changed during the night, Stiles. She was in pain the whole night and I wasn't there for her like I shouldn't been."

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